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  1. Top 10 Ancient Roman Gods - Ancient History Lists

    • Jupiter, also known as Jove, is the chief Roman deity. With his enormous power, he is said to rule the light and the sky. The eagle is his sacred animal and the thunderbolt is his identifying weapon. Called die… See more

    Neptune, The God of The Sea

    Carrying a trident with three prongs, Neptune rode a horse or a dolphin and ruled the sea. He was first to be recognized in Roman mythology as being associated with water … See more

    Ancient History Lists
    Pluto, The God of The Underworld

    The three sons of Saturn, namely Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, divided the world up between them. The sky and the sea went to Jupiter and Neptune respectively; the underworl… See more

    Ancient History Lists
    Apollo, The God of Sun, Music, and Prophecy

    Recognized as the god of music, healing, the sun and light, truth and prophecy, plague, poetry, and more, Apollo was the son of Jupiter and brother of Diana. He is one of the … See more

    Ancient History Lists
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