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List of craters on the Moon - Wikipedia
The lunar craters are listed in the following subsections. Where a formation has associated satellite craters, these are detailed on the main crater description pages. See more
This is a list of named lunar craters. The large majority of these features are impact craters. The crater nomenclature is governed by the See more
The following reference sites were also used during the assembly of the crater information.
• Astronomica Langrenus — Italian Lunar Web Site
• Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license - bing.com › videosWatch full video
Lunar craters - Wikipedia
Craters constitute 95% of all named lunar features. Usually they are named after deceased scientists and other explorers. This tradition comes from Giovanni Battista Riccioli, who started it in 1651. Since 1919, assignment of these names is regulated by the International Astronomical Union.
Small craters of special interest (for example, visited by lunar missions) receive human first nam…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
List of craters on the Moon: A–B - Wikipedia
94 rows · The list of approved names in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature maintained …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
See all 94 rows on en.wikipedia.orgCRATER COORDINATES DIAMETER (KM) APPROVAL YEAR Abbe 57°35′S 174°46′E / 57.58°S 174.77°E … 63.98 1970 Abbot 5°34′N 54°44′E / 5.56°N 54.74°E / 5. 10.4 1973 Abel 34°38′S 85°47′E / 34.63°S 85.78°E … 137.35 1964 Abenezra 20°59′S 11°53′E / 20.99°S 11.89°E / ... 43.19 1935
A guide to the moon’s craters, seas, and ghostly shine - Popular …
See more on popsci.comWhen observing the Moon with the naked eye, the easiest things to spot are the lunar maria. These dark lunar “seas” are quite visible and show up in good contrast to the lighterhighland, or terra, areas. The lunar maria were mainly named in 1651 by the Italian priest/astronomer Giambattista Riccioli, whose lunar namin…Moon Map (Lunar Map) with the names and locations …
This map portrayed lunar maria, craters, and mountain peaks. Latin names of seas and oceans were associated with the maria, and minor craters were named after astronomers, mathematicians, and scientists.
Detailed Lunar Map: Craters, Seas, and Highlands - Sky Tonight
Explore an interactive Moon map featuring detailed views of craters, seas, and highlands. Discover key lunar landmarks and learn about the Moon's surface with this comprehensive guide.
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interactive moon atlas - Visit-the-Moon.com
4 days ago · Explore the Moon's surface with this interactive atlas that shows various features and craters with maps and grid references. Learn about the types, sizes, ages and names of craters, as well as their locations and …
1:1 Million-Scale Maps of the Moon - Planetary Names
The lettered crater names included in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, and therefore in this atlas, are found in the definitive source "NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature" (NASA …
The ten largest craters on the Moon
In this article, we delve into the ten largest craters on the moon, each named after famous astronomers and mathematicians, and explore their unique characteristics and cultural and scientific …
The Full Moon Atlas - The Crater Registry
A sortable compendium of all known and named significant craters, mountains, rilles, scarps, valleys and other geographical features on the Moon. All columns are sortable – either alphabetically (A-Z or Z-A) or numerically (ascending or …
Moon Images With Names - Template:Gazetteer of …
LROC Quickmap: Interactive map of the Moon with a variety of information available for viewing. List of lettered lunar craters : from NASA RP 1097, the NASA catalogue of lunar nomenclature (originally published 1982)
What Are Moon Craters? How Were They Formed? - ThoughtCo
Jan 4, 2019 · Moon craters are bowl-shaped landforms created by two processes: volcanism and cratering. There are hundreds of thousands of moon craters ranging from less than a mile …
Principal Lunar Craters - Fourmilab
The following table lists all named lunar craters greater than 50 kilometres in diameter. Click on the crater name to view the Moon centred on that crater. Longitude in red indicates a far-side …
List of craters on the Moon - Academic Kids
This is a list of craters on the Moon. The large majority of these features are impact craters . The crater nomenclature is governed by the International Astronomical Union , and this listing only …
List of craters on the Moon - Wikiwand
This is a list of named lunar craters. The large majority of these features are impact craters. The crater nomenclature is governed by the International Astronomical Union, and this listing only …
Mapping The Moon: Who picked all those crater names?
May 24, 2019 · Michael van Langren published the first map of the Moon with named features in 1647. Although only three of his names survive on their original craters, it was van Langren …
A Beginner’s Guide to Locating Lunar Craters
While official names are assigned by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), you can create personal nicknames for craters as you explore. These names can make your stargazing …
The fascinating origins of the Moon's crater names - Stars Insider
Nov 15, 2024 · But after whom are these lunar impact craters named? Click through and discover the eponyms for some of the Moon's most prominent craters.
How Many Craters are on the Moon? [It's More Than You Think!]
There are 5,185 craters on the moon that are more than 12 miles across. Scientists estimate there are around 1,000,000 craters larger than half a mile across and over half a billion that are …
List of craters on the Moon: T–Z - Wikipedia
This is a partial list of named lunar craters according to the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature maintained by the International Astronomical Union includes the diameter of the crater and the …
How the Moon’s two Grand Canyons formed in mere minutes
Feb 4, 2025 · The Moon is a vastly different place from Earth, with an ancient, pock-marked surface dominated by craters, ridges, and deep, dark basins that arise from cooled lava flows.
Intuitive Machines shares moon photos as Athena prepares for …
16 hours ago · The mesa-like lunar mountain towers over a landscape carved by craters, including the Shackleton Crater – a cold, dark region where water ice and other volatile materials that …
Blue Ghost, a Private U.S. Spacecraft, Lands on the Moon
4 days ago · Blue Ghost, a NASA-funded lunar lander built and operated by the private U.S. company Firefly Aerospace, has successfully touched down on the moon. “We’re on the …
How the Moon became a place - Aeon
Feb 13, 2025 · A Jesuit priest from Ferrara, Italy, invented the major lunar place names that we use today. His predecessors had created names based on their benefactors and confined to …
Park Brochure - Craters Of The Moon National Monument
Nov 19, 2024 · The Shoshone-Bannock ancestral lands include Craters of the Moon since time immemorial, time before memory. The traditional place name for Craters of the Moon in the …
A Jumping Lunar Robot Is About to Explore a Pitch-Black Moon …
Feb 24, 2025 · Packed with instruments and rovers, the soon-to-launch IM-2 mission will explore the lunar south pole and attempt something never done before—to enter a shadowed moon …
List of craters on Venus - Wikipedia
This is a list of craters on Venus, named by the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature.All craters on Venus are named after famous …
Grand Canyons of the Moon - lpi.usra.edu
Feb 4, 2025 · The two extraordinary features were produced during a period of planetary upheaval when the Earth and Moon were being resurfaced by impacting asteroids and …
Texas company pulls off first fully successful commercial landing …
3 days ago · Flying above the far side of the moon in a circular 62-mile-high orbit, the squat lander fired its main engine at 2:31 a.m. EST, kicking off a white-knuckle 63-minute descent to the …