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- Solute “goes into” the solventLearn more:✕This summary was generated using AI based on multiple online sources. To view the original source information, use the "Learn more" links.The solute is the substance that is being dissolved, while the solvent is the substance doing the dissolving. A common mnemonic device that many students find useful is to remember that the solute “goes into” the solvent. This simple phrase can help you recall which substance is which when faced with a chemistry problem or experiment.vetexplainspets.com/how-to-remember-solute-vs-s…The best way to remember the difference between a solute and a solvent is to think of the solute as the substance that is being dissolved, and the solvent as the substance doing the dissolving.www.ck12.org/flexi/physical-science/solute-and-sol…Here are some mnemonics from teachers that have attended my sessions and been kind enough to share their ideas: How to remember ‘solute & solvent’ in a solution: A thief broke into a building and filled a bag with loot. Then the police came. The thief hid the loot in a vent, so he wouldn’t get caught. The solute goes into the solvent.susanfitzell.com/mnemonic-ideas-from-the-classro…
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Mnemonic Device for the words, Solute, Solvent, Soluble
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