mary sits at jesus feet - Search
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  1. Mary and Martha and 3 reasons for sitting at Jesus’ feet

    In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus visits His two friends, Mary and Martha, who are two sisters who live in Bethany. They also have a brother named Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead in John 11. However, he’s not present on this occasion. After Jesus arrives, Martha spends all of her time distracted and getting things ready in preparation for Jesus. We ...

    Drawing on the Word

    Have you ever hosted a party or dinner and found yourself spending the whole time serving or waiting on people? At the end of the evening, you find that you haven’t spent any quality time at all with your guests, or your conversations have been very superficial and fleeting. I know I’ve done that before, which is why I generally prefer other people...

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    R Kent-Hughes explains in his commentary, Luke: That You May Know The Truth, that the patristic church often regarded Martha as symbolic of the active life and Mary as symbolic of the contemplative life. However, this is an incorrect reading of this passage. He quotes Catholic Biblical scholar Joseph Fitzmyer, who explains: Kent-Hughes goes on to a...

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    The act of being at a person’s feet in the gospels has a special significance. In many instances, a person falls at Jesus’ feet. In Luke 17:16, the Samaritan leper falls at Jesus’ feet in gratitude after Jesus heals him. The demoniac known as Legion also falls at Jesus’ feet begging for mercy. Later, he is sitting at Jesus’ feet when he is clothed ...

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    Not only does being at Jesus’ feet show that we acknowledges who He is, but it also demonstrates a sense of trust. Although Mary didn’t make the same declaration of faith that Martha did in John 11, the fact that she fell at Jesus’ feet would’ve had a similar effect. It would also have shown that she trusted that Jesus would be able to work in the ...

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