mary mother of jesus - Search
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  1. Mary, mother of Jesus
    Mary, mother of JesusMother of Jesus
    OverviewTraitsQuotesOriginMerchandiseHow to drawMemes
  2. Names and titles

    Mary's name in the original manuscripts of the New Testament was based on her original Aramaic name מרים, transliterated as Maryam or Mariam. The English name Mary comes from the Greek Μαρία, a shortened form of the … See more

    Life in ancient sources

    The canonical Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are the primary sources of historical information about Mary. They are almost contemporary sources, as the synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are generally c… See more

    Religious perspectives

    Christian Marian perspectives include a great deal of diversity. While some Christians such as Catholics and Eastern Orthodox have well established Marian traditions, Protestants at large pay scant attention to … See more

    Christian devotions

    Justin Martyr was among the first to draw a parallel between Eve and Mary. This derives from his comparison of Adam and Jesus. In his Dialogue with Trypho, written sometime between 155 and 167, he explains: … See more

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