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- AnorthositesMost of the crust of the Moon (83%) consists of silicate rocks called anorthosites; these regions are known as the lunar highlands. They are made of relatively low-density rock that solidified on the cooling Moon like slag floating on the top of a smelter.Author: OpenStaxPublish Year: 2017pressbooks.online.ucf.edu/astronomybc/chapter/9-2-the-lunar-surface/
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Geology of the Moon - Wikipedia
Lighter surfaces are the lunar highlands, which receive the name of terrae (singular terra, from the Latin for earth, land), and the darker plains are called maria (singular mare, from the Latin for sea), after Johannes Kepler who introduced the names in the 17th century. See more
The geology of the Moon (sometimes called selenology, although the latter term can refer more generally to "lunar science") is quite different from that of Earth. The Moon lacks a true atmosphere, and the absence of See more
The lunar landscape is characterized by impact craters, their ejecta, a few volcanoes, hills, lava flows and depressions filled by … See more
Surface materials
The Apollo program brought back 380.05 kilograms (837.87 lb) of lunar surface material, most of which is stored at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory in Houston, Texas, and the uncrewed Soviet Luna programme See moreFor a long period of time, the fundamental question regarding the history of the Moon was of its origin. Early hypotheses included fission from … See more
The geological history of the Moon has been defined into six major epochs, called the lunar geologic timescale. Starting about 4.5 billion years ago, the newly formed Moon was in a See more
The first rocks brought back by Apollo 11 were basalts. Although the mission landed on Mare Tranquillitatis, a few millimetric fragments of rocks coming from the highlands were picked up. These are composed mainly of plagioclase feldspar; some fragments … See more
The current model of the interior of the Moon was derived using seismometers left behind during the crewed Apollo program missions, as … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Lunar Maria and Highlands - Definition & Detailed Explanation ...
Mar 22, 2024 · Lunar Highlands are rugged, mountainous regions on the Moon’s surface that are characterized by their bright, rugged terrain. Unlike the smooth, dark plains of Lunar Maria, the …
Lunar Highlands - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Lunar Highlands are the light-colored elevated regions on the moon's surface that stand above the dark-colored basins known as maria. They are characterized by irregular surfaces with a …
9.2 The Lunar Surface – Astronomy - University of Central Florida ...
Lunar Highlands Definition: Exploring The Moon’s Ancient Terrain
Dec 30, 2024 · The lunar highlands are the oldest and most heavily cratered regions on the moon’s surface. In contrast to the smoother, darker maria (Latin for “seas”) that formed later, …
9.3: The Lunar Surface - Physics LibreTexts
Jul 29, 2023 · Most of the crust of the Moon (83%) consists of silicate rocks called anorthosites; these regions are known as the lunar highlands. They are made of relatively low-density rock that solidified on the cooling Moon like slag floating …
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Lunar Landscape, Highlands - SpringerLink
Aug 3, 2017 · The lunar highlands are among the oldest exposed areas on the moon and are known to be chemically distinct both from the maria and the whole moon. The lunar highlands …
The Lunar Surface | Astronomy - Lumen Learning
Most of the crust of the Moon (83%) consists of silicate rocks called anorthosites; these regions are known as the lunar highlands. They are made of relatively low-density rock that solidified on the cooling Moon like slag floating on the top of …
Surface Properties of the Moon - University of Rochester
Lunar Highlands rocks returned by Apollo 16 are about 4 billion years old. The oldest Lunar rock found was located by Apollo 17 and appears to be about 4.5 billion years old. Thus, the oldest material from the surface of the Moon is …
Lunar highlands - (Earth Science) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
Lunar highlands refer to the mountainous regions on the Moon's surface, characterized by their lighter color and elevated terrain compared to the darker maria (seas). These highlands are …
What’S The Definition Of Lunar Highlands? - tovisorga.com
Nov 16, 2022 · The lunar highlands represent the ancient lunar crust that has been gardened extensively by meteoritic bombardment, particularly during the early period of intense …
Highlands, lunar | Article about highlands, lunar by The Free …
The topographically elevated and more rugged regions of the Moon. They have a higher albedo – and thus appear brighter – than the maria and consist largely of anorthosite, a calcium …
Lunar highlands have more impact craters than the mare. So, the highlands are older. They are the same age as the highlands because both features were formed by the hardening of lava. …
Highlands, lunar - Oxford Reference
Rough and heavily cratered bright terrain on the Moon. The highlands are generally 1–2 km higher than the dark lowland mare areas. The highlands are older, dating from the last stages of …
Highlands - (Intro to Astronomy) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
Highlands are elevated regions on the lunar surface, characterized by rugged terrain and a high density of impact craters. They are typically older than the lunar maria and have a bright …
Moon’s highlands - (Intro to Astronomy) - Vocab, Definition ...
Definition. The Moon's highlands are elevated, heavily cratered regions primarily composed of anorthosite rock. They are older and lighter in color compared to the lunar maria, reflecting …
9.2: The Lunar Surface - Physics LibreTexts
Apr 11, 2022 · Most of the crust of the Moon (83%) consists of silicate rocks called anorthosites; these regions are known as the lunar highlands. They are made of relatively low-density rock …
Lunar highlands - Higher Intellect Dictionary
The lighter-color areas on the moon, classically called the “Terrae” (plural of the Latin, terra, “land”), which is usually translated as “highlands” or uplands. Portions of the highlands were …
Lunar history - (Intro to Astronomy) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
Definition. Lunar history encompasses the formation, geological evolution, and impact events that have shaped the Moon's surface over billions of years. It includes studying crater formation, …
(PDF) Lunar Landscape, Highlands - ResearchGate
Aug 3, 2017 · Highlands are an ancient geological unit on the moon, distributed largely on the boundaries of the maria. The elevation of lunar highlands is 2–3 km higher than maria, and the …