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- Crater rays are among the most prominent lunar features. They are filamentous, high-albedo features that are radial or subradial to fresh impact craters. Rays are generally narrow in relation to the crater radius and often extend many crater radii from their parent craters.Author: B.Ray Hawke, D.T. Blewett, P.G. Lucey, G.A. Smith, J.F. Bell, B.A. Campbell, M.S. RobinsonPublish Year: 2004www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019103504000703
The origin of lunar crater rays - ScienceDirect
Jul 1, 2004 · We have determined the origin of selected lunar ray segments utilizing Earth-based spectral and radar data as well as FeO, TiO 2, and optical maturity maps produced from …
- Author: B.Ray Hawke, D.T. Blewett, P.G. Lucey, G.A. Smith, J.F. Bell, B.A. Campbell, M.S. Robinson
- Publish Year: 2004
LUNAR SUNRISE/SUNSET CRATER RAYS Background Information, Predictions Through 2030 and Observation Reports
Crater rays are among the most prominent lunar features. They are filamentous, high-albedo features that are radial or subradial to fresh impact craters. Rays are generally nar-row in …
Related searches for lunar crater rays
10.3: Exploring Crater Rays in Detail - Physics LibreTexts
Jagged edges along the irregular crater rim channel the explosive power of the impact and help create the streamers of powdered rock we call crater rays. One of the most famous crater and ray systems on the Moon is from Crater Tycho.
Lunar Crater Rays Point to a New Lunar Time Scale - University …
Sep 28, 2004 · Investigating Lunar Crater Rays. Lunar crater rays are those obvious bright streaks of material that we can see extending radially away from many impact craters. …
The origin of lunar crater rays - ADS - NASA/ADS
We have determined the origin of selected lunar ray segments utilizing Earth-based spectral and radar data as well as FeO, TiO 2, and optical maturity maps produced from Clementine UVVIS …
CRaTER Cosmic Ray Telescope
Among those instruments is CRaTER Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation. CRaTER characterizes the global lunar radiation environment and its biological impacts by measuring galactic and solar cosmic ray radiation behind …
The length of lunar crater rays explained using secondary crater ...
Sep 15, 2018 · This study mapped 27 lunar craters ranging from 10 m to 84 km in diameter and measured the number of rays, ray lengths, and OMAT of each. We developed a new empirical …
The origin of lunar crater rays - Arizona State University
We have determined the origin of selected lunar ray segments utilizing Earth-based spectral and radar data as well as FeO, TiO 2, and optical maturity maps produced from Clementine UVVIS …
LCAS - Observing The Moon - Lunar Rays
Jun 28, 2014 · One of the most obvious features that is especially visible on the full moon is the system of rays emanating from certain craters. These bright rays are so extensive that they are sometimes best observed using Earth-based …
The Origin of Lunar Crater Rays - ResearchGate
Sep 30, 2000 · Some lunar scientists have proposed that rays are dominated by primary crater ejecta, while others have emphasized the role of secondary cratering or even more exotic …
What Do Lunar Rays Tell Us About Craters? - Moon Crater Tycho
In essence, lunar rays are bright, elongated structures that emanate from impact craters, resembling rays of light radiating outwards. They are most prominently observed during the full …
Observing Lunar Bright and Light Rays, Bright Spots, and …
Feb 8, 2020 · The lunar bright rays (also called crater rays) are filamentous high-albedo markings on the lunar surface. They come in various shapes, lengths, sizes, degrees of complexity, and …
Galilaei (lunar crater) - Wikipedia
Galilaei is a lunar impact crater located in the western Oceanus Procellarum.Some distance to the southeast is the crater Reiner, while to the south-southwest is Cavalerius.Northeast of the …
We have determined the origin of selected lunar ray segments utilizing Earth-based spectral and radar data as well as FeO, TiO2, and optical maturity maps produced from Clementine UVVIS …
In this study we mapped the ray systems of 27 lunar craters, ranging from 10m to 84km in diameter. For each ray system, we measured the number, length, and optical maturity index …
A mechanism for the production of crater rays - SHUVALOV
Jan 17, 2012 · Numerical simulations presented in this article suggest that crater rays surrounding about 12% of lunar craters (at least some of these rays) and craters on other airless bodies …
To explain Baldwin’s curve, we propose two hypotheses: 1) that the curvature of the Moon’s surface causes far-reaching rays to be longer than they would be given a flat surface, or 2) …
APOD: 2005 March 5 - Tycho and Copernicus: Lunar Ray Craters
This detailed close-up of the full Moon features two prominent ray craters, Copernicus (upper left) and Tycho (lower right), each with extensive ray systems of light colored debris blasted out by …
Grand Canyons of the Moon - lpi.usra.edu
Feb 4, 2025 · The authors calculated the ballistic flight of ejected debris that created the canyons. After flying over the lunar surface, the debris hit the lunar surface at speeds of about 1 …
The Moon has Two Grand Canyons, Carved in Minutes by an …
Feb 7, 2025 · It took only minutes to dig out that huge crater and split the landscape to make two huge rifts that extend from the site. According to David Kring of the Lunar and Planetary …
Blue Ghost Lunar Mission Sticks Its Landing on the Moon
2 days ago · On March 2, Blue Ghost made its landing at the moon's Mare Crisium within its 100-meter target, where it will begin surface operations over 14 days including subsurface drilling, …
Highlights: Firefly ‘Blue Ghost’ lunar lander touches down on the …
4 days ago · The tricky lunar terrain: The moon is covered in dead volcanoes and deep craters, making it difficult to find flat landing zones. Without the assistance of human eyes inside the …
Privately built Blue Ghost spacecraft poised to land on the moon
4 days ago · The Blue Ghost lunar lander, developed in partnership with NASA, aims to touch down on the moon early Sunday. ... crater-laden far side of the moon as it orbited roughly 62 …
Texas company pulls off first fully successful commercial landing …
4 days ago · Texas company pulls off first fully successful commercial moon landing 02:24. Firefly Aerospace's "Blue Ghost" lander dropped out of lunar orbit and swooped to a rocket-powered …
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