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Luke's Gospel - Free Bible Commentary in easy English
See results only from easyenglish.bibleHilda Bright explains the life and work of Jesus according to Luke's *Gospel. She also gives the historical and cultural background of Luke's writing and his special interests.
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Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke Chapter 21
A detailed and easy-to-understand commentary on Luke 21, covering Jesus' warnings of Jerusalem's fall and His return. Learn about the widow's gift, the templ…
Luke 21:1-38 - EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries - Bíblia Plus
Verse 1 In the Court of the Women in the *Temple, there were 13 boxes. The priests collected people’s money in these boxes. Verse 2 The widow’s two coins were the smallest coins. They …
Luke 21 – EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Read Luke 21 in easy English online. This chapter tells about Jesus' warnings and predictions about the future, and his teaching in the temple.
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Understanding Luke 21: End Times Prophecy Explained
What does Luke chapter 21 mean? - BibleRef.com
What does Luke chapter 21 mean? Luke 21 records the last of Jesus' teachings before the Last Supper, His arrest, and His crucifixion. Luke 21:1–4 would easily fit with the contents of …
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Luke 21 Resources - Precept Austin
Oct 22, 2022 · Commentary on the Gospel of Luke : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes by Geldenhuys, Norval, James Rosscup - Amillennial in its interpretation of the …
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 21
Nov 11, 2024 · Verse by verse commentary on Luke 21. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video …
Luke 21 - Smith's Bible Commentary - StudyLight.org
Take heed to yourselves ( Luke 21:34), Now this is a message for you. "Take heed, be careful." lest at any time your hearts are overcharged with surfeiting, drunkenness, [partying,] the cares …
Luke 21 EASY - Jesus talks about people who give - Bible Gateway
21 People in Judea must then run away to the hills to hide. People that are inside the city must leave it. People that are outside in the fields must not go back into the city. 22 This is when …
Luke 21 - Bible Study Tools
Read Luke 21 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). Study the bible online using commentary on Luke 21 and more!...
Luke 21 Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Bible Hub
Luke omits the Mount of Olives as being the scene of the question and the prophecy, and the names of the questioners, the latter being given by St. Mark only.
Luke 21 Summary - 5 Minute Study - 2BeLikeChrist
Aug 17, 2022 · A short Bible study of Luke 21. These outlines are intended to summarize the key information from each chapter in just 5 minutes. The outlines are available for download for …
Luke 21 - Wesley's Explanatory Notes - Bible Commentaries
Luke 21, Wesley's Explanatory Notes, John Wesley's Explanatory Notes offer Christians profound insights into Scripture, combining thorough text analysis with rich historical context.
Luke 21 - The Pulpit Commentaries - StudyLight.org
Luke 21, The Pulpit Commentaries, The Pulpit Commentaries provide deep scriptural insights by examining original texts and historical context, aiding Christians' understanding.
Luke 21 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise) - Christianity
Study Luke 21 using Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning.
Luke 21:21 Commentaries: "Then those who are in Judea must …
21:5-28 With much curiosity those about Christ ask as to the time when the great desolation should be. He answers with clearness and fulness, as far as was necessary to teach them …
Luke 21 EASY;NIV - Jesus talks about people who give - Bible …
Many people will say that they have come on my behalf. They will say, “I am the Messiah.” They will say, “Now is the time!” Do not agree with those people. 9 You will hear about wars and …
Chapter 21 - Matthew Henry's Commentary - Bible Gateway
1. Of what should happen between that and the destruction of Jerusalem—false Christs arising, bloody wars and persecutions of Christ’s followers, Luke 21:8-19. 2. Of that destruction itself, …
Luke 21 - Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Bible ...
Luke 21, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Ellicott's Commentary elevates Christian understanding by delving into original texts and historical context, offering profound insights.
Luke 21 ESV;NRSVA - The Widow's Offering - Bible Gateway
The Widow's Offering. 21 Jesus [] looked up and saw the rich () putting their gifts into () the offering box, 2 and he saw a poor widow put in two () small copper coins. [] 3 And he said, …
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