long and short sentences examples - Search
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  1. Writing effective sentences: long vs. short sentences - Writology

    • When author starts using short phrases, usually it is a sign that something might happen. So it is a way to create the tension. For example, if the writer depicts the robbery that took place at night, he may write: “It … See more

    To Grab The Attention of The Reader to Some Detail

    When a normal pace of the writing is abrupt by the short sentences, it may be a sign of a … See more

    To Present The Sudden Events

    Another important usage of the short sentences is associated with the out-of-the-blue events or acts. For example, the story tells about the girl who is lost in the forest late at night… See more

    To Summarize The Ideas Presented in The Long Paragraph Or sentences.

    For example, consider this instruction: Work with us is easy and comfortable. Our ordering system requires the customers only to fill out the form CS1 that could be found at th… See more

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  1. Long and short sentences are often combined in a paragraph to build tension. For example, in Season of Secrets by Sally Nichols, the narrator spots a man running: He looks back. His face is white in the darkness and wet with rain. He isn’t wearing shoes, or a shirt. I can see his chest, rising and falling. I can feel how frightened he is.
    English So, to make a long story short, they came to Canada. volume_up more_vert English To cut a long story short, she was convicted at the time. volume_up more_vert English In this respect, today's motion for a resolution falls a long way short of the declared ambition. volume_up more_vert
  2. 65 Long Sentences in Literature - Bookfox

  3. Examples of Simple Sentence [Short and Long] - Lemon Grad

  4. 16.1 Using Varied Sentence Lengths and Styles - GitHub Pages

  5. Analysing sentence structure in Critical Reading …

    Short sentences can show a faster pace or build up tension. Longer sentences can offer explanation and add detail.

  6. Sentence Length - Definition, Examples, …

    May 23, 2018 · In English grammar, sentence length refers to the number of words in a sentence. Most readability formulas use the number of words in a sentence to measure its difficulty. Yet in some cases, a short sentence can be …

  7. Sentence Rhythm: How to Use Sentence Variety for …

    Dec 18, 2014 · In short, sentence rhythm is a way of describing how effectively a writer mixes short, long, and medium sentences -- in other words, sentence variety. Doing this well takes a keen ear and a lot of practice.

  8. Shorter sentences, longer sentences - Research …

    Jul 22, 2021 · Should you write short sentences, because they are easier to read? Should you write longer sentences because they sound more academic? Should you write a careful mix of sentences, because that creates good flow?

  9. How to Vary Sentence Length: 2 Examples

    Jan 25, 2022 · Long sentences take readers on a journey. Short ones tell the gospel truth.

  10. Short Sentences vs. Long Sentences in Professional …

    Jan 24, 2019 · For example, this article is about short sentences vs. long sentences. As such, “short sentences,” “long sentences” and “short sentences vs. long sentences” would all be valid key phrases. They’re what people might …

  11. 150 Sentences With Short Vowels – Lets Learn!

    Jan 18, 2024 · Understanding the distinction between short and long vowels is important for proper pronunciation and spelling in English. Here are some unique sentences examples with short vowel words. Lets see –. Sam grabbed a ripe …

  12. Very Long Sentences: How to Write and Make Them Shorter …

  13. 37 Simple Sentence Examples and Worksheet - YourDictionary

  14. Long sentence or Short sentence? - TextRanch

  15. Why Varying Sentence Length Engages Your Reader

  16. Syntax: Short and Long Sentences

  17. Short Sentences - 6+ Examples, How to Write

  18. To vary sentence length for effect - Oak National Academy

  19. Convey tone & mood with sentence length - Smekens Education …

  20. 5 Vital Examples Of Why Short Sentences Are Better Than Long …