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Lobelia cardinalis - Wikipedia
Lobelia cardinalis, the cardinal flower (syn. L. fulgens), is a species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae native to the Americas, from southeastern Canada south …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Lobelia erinus - Wikipedia
Lobelia erinus (edging lobelia, garden lobelia or trailing lobelia) is a species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae, native to southern Africa.
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Lobelia giberroa - Wikipedia
Lobelia giberroa is a flowering plant of the bellfower family (Campanulaceae). [2][3][1][4] It is native to the Mountains of the Moon Massif (Rwenzori Mountains) in Uganda. It is the tallest of …
Lobelia chinensis - Wikipedia
Lobelia chinensis, commonly known as Asian lobelia, [2] Chinese lobelia, and Herba Lobellae Chinensis, is a species of flowering plant in the family Campanulaceae. It is one of the 50 …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Lobelia – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Lobelia, stroiczka (Lobelia L.) – rodzaj roślin z rodziny dzwonkowatych. Obejmuje 414 [4] –415 [5] gatunków. Występują one głównie w klimacie tropikalnym i umiarkowanym ciepłym w …
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Lobelia — Wikipédia
Lobelia est un genre de plantes, les lobélies ou cardinales, de la famille des Campanulaceae. Il contient environ 300 espèces à travers le monde. Le genre a été nommé par Charles Plumier …
Lobelia anceps - Wikipedia
Lobelia anceps, commonly known as angled lobelia, [2] is a small herbaceous plant in the family Campanulaceae it grows in several states of Australia, New Zealand, South America and …
Lobelien – Wikipedia
Die Lobelien (Lobelia) sind eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Glockenblumengewächse (Campanulaceae). Die etwa 440 Arten sind weltweit meist in …
Lobelia, West Virginia - Wikipedia
Lobelia is an unincorporated community in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, United States. Lobelia is 4.5 miles (7.2 km) west of Hillsboro. The community was named after the Lobelia …
Lobelia | Characteristics, Major Species, & Medicinal …
Lobelia, genus of more than 400 species of flowering plants in the bellflower family (Campanulaceae) native to nearly all the temperate and warmer regions of the world, except central and eastern Europe and western Asia. A number are …
Lobelia erinus - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Lobelia erinus es una especie de planta herbácea de estación fresca anual, con muchas variedades, como: "Riviera", "Blue Moon", "Fountain", "Cascade". Las flores de color azul …
Lobelia - Wikipedia
Lobelia este un gen de plante cu flori ce cuprinde aproximativ 360–400 de specii (415 conform unor surse), [2] cu răspândire extinsă, în principal în zonele tropicale până la calzi ale lumii, iar …
Lobeliat – Wikipedia
Lobeliat eli viuhkalobeliat, aikaisemmin nuottaruohot (Lobelia) on kasvisuku kellokasvien heimossa. Siihen kuuluu 440 lajia, [1] joita kasvaa enimmäkseen trooppisilla ja lämpimillä alueilla.
Sinilobeelia – Vikipeedia
Sinilobeelia ehk aedlobeelia (Lobelia erinus) on populaarne suvelill, mis on hinnatud oma väikeste, õrnade õite ja tiheda kasvukuju poolest. [1] Taim pärineb Lõuna-Aafrikast ja on …
半边莲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
半邊蓮 (學名: Lobelia chinensis)屬 桔梗科 半邊蓮屬。 又名為: 急解索 、 細米草 、 蛇舌草 、 半邊花 、 水仙花草 、 鐮麼仔草 等。
Лобелия ежевидная — Википедия
Lobelia erinus) — многолетнее травянистое растение, широко распространённое в декоративном садоводстве, относящееся к роду Лобелия семейства Колокольчиковые …
Chi Lỗ bình – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Chi Lỗ bình hay còn gọi chi lô biên (danh pháp khoa học: Lobelia / loʊˈbiːliə, lə -/ [4][5][6]) là một chi thực vật gồm khoảng 415 loài có hoa thuộc họ Hoa chuông. [7] Chúng phân bổ chủ yếu …
Lobelia - Wikipedia
Il genere Lobelia comprende specie erbacee o arbustive, annuali o perenni, talora con aspetto arborescente. [2] Alcune specie (p.es Lobelia aberdarica, Lobelia deckenii, Lobelia gregoriana, …
Lobélia (Lobelia) gondozása - CityGreen.hu
Jun 9, 2023 · Az orvosi lobélia (Lobelia siphilitica) nagytermetű évelő növény, amely Észak-Amerika területéről származik. Erős szárán vékony, lándzsaszerű levelek sorakoznak, díszét a …
Lobelia deckenii - Wikipedia
Lobelia deckenii (synoniem: L. keniensis) is een plant die behoort tot de klokjesfamilie (Campanulaceae). Vergeleken met veel andere lobelia 's is L. deckenii een relatief grote plant. …