lloyd george political views - Search
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  1. David Lloyd George | British Prime Minister, WWI Leader

    • David Lloyd George (born Jan. 17, 1863, Manchester, Eng.—died March 26, 1945, Ty-newydd, near Llanystumdwy, Caernarvonshire, Wales) British prime minister (1916–22) who dominated the British pol… See more

    Early life

    Lloyd George’s father was a Welshman from Pembrokeshire and had become headmaster of an elementary school in Manchester. His mother was the daughter of David Ll… See more

    Social reform and the outbreak of war

    Lloyd George’s major achievement during the years immediately before the war was in the field of … See more

    Minister of munitions and secretary of state for war

    Throughout the remainder of 1914 and the early months of 1915, Lloyd George was a vigorous advocate of increased munitions production. Here he came into sharp conflict wit… See more

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