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  1. The 12 Types of Skunks (Facts & Info) - Wildlife Informer

    • Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis An instantly recognizable skunk, the striped skunk is what most people think of when they think of skunks. With two white stripes running down its back, striped skunks ar… See more

    Hooded Skunk

    Scientific Name: Mephitis macroura Hooded skunks actually look incredibly similar to striped skunks, though careful observation can differentiate the two. Hooded sk… See more

    Wildlife Informer
    Western Spotted Skunk

    All spotted skunks look very similar, see the image of the eastern spotted skunk. Scientific Name: Spilogale gracilis Western spotted skunks look similar to your average skunk, exc… See more

    Wildlife Informer
    Eastern Spotted Skunk

    Scientific Name: Spilogale putorius Nocturnal, slender creatures, eastern spotted skunks have many different stripes that make it look a bit different from your average str… See more

    Wildlife Informer
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