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List of natural satellites - Wikipedia
301 rows · This is a list of the recognized moons of the planets and of the largest potential …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
List of natural satellites by size - The Solar System Wiki
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This page does not include any references or citations. - Please cite reliable and peer reviewed sources, that are not your brain. Unsourced material ma…
Below is a list of moons in the solar system, based on size. This list features natural satellites from each planet.
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List Of The Solar System's 30 Biggest Moons - Spaceopedia
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
- Ganymede - 5,268.2 km - Discovered 1610 - Planet Jupiter.
- Titan - 5,151.0 km - Discovered 1655 - Planet Saturn.
- Callisto - 4,816.8 km - Discovered 1610 - Planet Jupiter.
- Io - 3,636.2 km - Discovered 1610 - Planet Jupiter.
- The Moon - 3,474.2 km - Discovered Prehistory - Planet Earth.
294 Moons of the Planets | 2024 List | GO ASTRONOMY
Do you know all 294 moons of the planets (and dwarf planets) in our solar system? Well here they are! Every so often new moons are discovered for Jupiter and Saturn. Moons are listed by size from largest to smallest for a given …
The Solar System's Major Moons (ordered by size)
The Solar System's Major Moons (ordered by size) Montage by Emily Lakdawalla. The Moon: Gari Arrillaga. Other moons data: NASA/JPL. Processing by Ted Stryk, Gordan Ugarkovic, Emily Lakdawalla, and Jason Perry.
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list of moons - Encyclopedia Britannica
There are 171 moons, or natural satellites, orbiting the planets in our solar system; Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have 1, 2, 66, 62, 27, and 13 moons, respectively. The …
The Moons of the Solar System - Sky & Telescope
147 rows · Jan 19, 2023 · The following tables contain all the known moons of the solar system, including the dozens of moons circling Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As of February 2024, the count stood at 298, distributed as follows: …
All Moons in Our Solar System [2024 Update] - Our …
Sep 17, 2024 · A comprehensive list of the 290 confirmed moons in the solar system, with their names, dimensions, and orbits. Learn about the largest, smallest, and most unique moons, and how they formed and evolved.
List of Moons in the Solar System · Facts and information
Find out how many moons each planet and dwarf planet has, and their names, discoverers, distances, diameters, and orbital periods. Compare the sizes and orbits of the 181 known …
List of moons by diameter - Academic Dictionaries and …
List of moons by diameter. The tables below of natural satellite s in the Solar System are ordered from largest to smallest by average diameter. Satellites that are large enough for their gravity …
List of moons of our solar system - weebau.com
Aug 26, 2011 · Find out how many moons each planet and dwarf planet has, their names, sizes, orbits and discovery dates. Compare the regular and irregular moons, and the rings of Saturn.
Moons Of The Solar System (Natural Satellites) - Spaceopedia
Nov 15, 2019 · Learn about the 205 moons that orbit the planets and dwarf planets in the Solar System, from the largest to the smallest. Find out facts, names, origins and features of each …
Biggest Moons In Our Solar System - WorldAtlas
Apr 19, 2022 · Learn about the ten largest moons in the solar system, their sizes, orbits, and features. Compare Ganymede, Titan, Callisto, Io, and more with this informative article.
19 Largest Moons in the Solar System - Rarest.org
Oct 28, 2024 · Let’s explore the 19 largest moons in the solar system and discover what makes each one special. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, with a massive diameter …
Top 10 largest moons in the solar system - GEOGRAPHY HOST
The following is a list of the top 10 largest moons in the solar system. Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter is the largest moon in the solar system.
The Top 10 Biggest Moons (Ours Isn't Number One) - How-To Geek
Feb 23, 2025 · Diameter: 1,578 km Size compared to Earth's Moon: 45.4% Year discovered: 1787 ; Titania is the biggest moon of Uranus, discovered by William Herschel in 1787. It’s a frozen …
Not That Small: Ranking the 10 Largest Moons in Our Solar …
Oct 30, 2023 · NASA JPL Solar System Dynamics lists 290 moons: one moon for Earth; two for Mars; 95 at Jupiter; 146 at Saturn; 27 at Uranus; 14 at Neptune; and five for dwarf planet Pluto …
Table of Moons in Solar System: Discovery, Size and Orbital …
As of October 2008, there are known natural moons orbiting planets in our Solar System. moons orbit the "full-size" planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and …
List of Solar System Objects by Size | PDF | Solar System - Scribd
List_of_Solar_System_objects_by_size - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document lists the sizes of objects in the solar system, including the Sun, …
What are the moons of the solar system and how many are there
Aug 1, 2017 · Throughout the solar system, there are 187 known moons or 196 if you count those belonging to the dwarf planets. Considering all of this, you might feel cheated. All of those …
Moon - Wikipedia
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite, orbiting at an average distance of 384 399 km (238,854 mi; about 30 times Earth's diameter).It faces Earth always with the same side.This is a result …
First detailed map of moon’s south pole area made from ... - The …
6 days ago · Astronomers are excited to be poring over the first ever detailed geological map of the moon’s south polar region, where India’s Chandrayaan-3 lunar module, Vikram, touched …
Earth's Moon - NASA
4 days ago · The Moon is seen passing in front of the Sun during a solar eclipse from Ross Lake, Northern Cascades National... iss070e097393 (Feb. 21, 2024) --- The waxing gibbous Moon is …