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  1. Dictionary
    lavish (adjective)
    1. sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious:
      "a lavish banquet"
      • (of a person) very generous or extravagant:
        "he was lavish with his hospitality"
      • spent or given in profusion:
        "lavish praise"
    (lavish something on)
    lavish (verb) · lavishes (third person present) · lavished (past tense) · lavished (past participle) · lavishing (present participle)
    1. bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities on:
      "the media couldn't lavish enough praise on the film"
      • (lavish something with)
        cover something thickly or liberally with:
        "she lavished our son with kisses"
    late Middle English (as a noun denoting profusion): from Old French lavasse ‘deluge of rain’, from laver ‘to wash’, from Latin lavare.
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