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Weather History & Data Archive - Weather Underground
Find historical weather by searching for a city, zip code, or airport code. Include a date for which you would like to see weather history.
Find historical weather by searching for a city, zip code, or airport code. Include a date for which you would like to see weather history.
Past Weather by Zip Code - Data Table | NOAA …
Check records of past weather: explore how hot or cold it got through the week, how much rain or snow/sleet/hail fell, and how deep any snow was on the ground. Check what the weather was like on specific dates in history: did a snowstorm …
Finding past weather...Fast
Climate data, including past weather conditions and long-term averages, for specific observing stations around the United States is only a few clicks away.
Historical weather data for any location - Visual Crossing
Apr 10, 2024 · Detailed weather history data for any location in the world since 1970. Enter a location to view weather data charts and maps.
Weather Archives - Data and Maps - National Weather Service
Disclaimer: The National Weather Service cannot assure accuracy of data found from the sources on this page. For official historical records contact the National Centers for Environmental …
Past Weather - National Centers for Environmental Information
Past Weather Use the search bar to enter a location of interest (name, address, zip code, etc.). Or, use the map to find a location by using zoom/pan or Shift+Click+Drag and then click " …
- People also ask
Past Weather, History, Data Archive - Weather Spark
Our repository has weather history, temperature history and historical weather data for most locations on earth. Starting out with a yearly summary, you can drill down to the month or even …
Record-setting weather - Charts and Maps | NOAA …
Explore the number of weather records broken over recent periods. Compare counts of temperature and precipitation records in the United States or across the globe.
Past Weather For Last 30 days - LocalConditions.com
past weather data including temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, dew point, rain total, and wind conditions.
Historical Weather & weather archive - Meteocentre
Select a country in the first box to see all available locations with historical weather. Information is displayed in charts by day for individual variables: temperature, precipitation, and wind. By …
Climate Data Online (CDO) - The National Climatic Data Center's …
These data include quality controlled daily, monthly, seasonal, and yearly measurements of temperature, precipitation, wind, and degree days as well as radar data and 30-year Climate …
Daily Temperature and Precipitation Reports - Data Tables
Find daily records of high and low temperature and precipitation for most localities in the United States. Display different variables to look for patterns and compare them among different …
Typical Weather for Any Location/Time | weather-average.com
Discover average weather conditions for any location and time period with our comprehensive tool. Get reliable data sourced from ECMWF, including Temperature Min/Max, Humidity, Rain …
Past Weather in Chicago, Illinois, USA — Yesterday and Last 2 …
Feb 28, 2016 · Chicago Temperature Yesterday. Maximum temperature yesterday: 51 °F (at 1:53 pm) Minimum temperature yesterday: 39 °F (at 5:53 am) Average temperature yesterday: 44 …
Past Weather by Zip Code - Data Table | NOAA Climate.gov
Check records of past weather: explore how hot or cold it got through the week, how much rain or snow/sleet/hail fell, and how deep any snow was on the ground. Check what the weather was …
Monitoring & Data: Precipitation & Temperature - Climate …
Apr 26, 2012 · Recent Temperature Maps - The CPC produces maps showing the maximum, minimum and mean temperatures for the United States for periods ranging from daily to …
Yesterday's Temperatures & Today's 24-Hr Temp Change
These maps show yesterday's high and low temperatures around the U.S., as well as the current temperatures and the 24-hour temperature change (the temperature difference between now …
The Weather's Record Keeper | Meteostat
Weather and climate database providing detailed weather data for thousands of weather stations and places worldwide. Take a look at yesterday's temperatures or discover the weather …
Recent Precipitation and Temperature (including Normals and …
Large assortment of maps and charts that put precipitation and temperatures into context by showing how recent conditions compare to long-term climate averages.
Weather History – Weather.org
It is the goal of Weather.org to promote public safety and save lives using reliable weather forecasts, weather maps, and storm tracking.