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- After 48 hours on the road, I'm knackered. She was sitting at the foot of the sofa watching TV, obviously knackered, whilst Dom played with his fire engine. Or maybe the electronic engine control unit is knackered.linguix.com/english/word/knacker/examples
Examples of "Knacker" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.com
Learn how to use "knacker" in a sentence with 4 example sentences on YourDictionary.
- Email: admin@yourdictionary.com
See results only from sentence.yourdictionary.comSentences
Learn how to use "knack" in a sentence with 81 example sentences on YourDictionary.
Examples of "Knackered" in …
Learn how to use "knackered" in a sentence with 12 example sentences on …
Examples of "Knackers" in …
Learn how to use "knackers" in a sentence with 4 example sentences on …
Use knacker in a sentence | The best 173 knacker sentence …
After 48 hours on the road, I'm knackered. She was sitting at the foot of the sofa watching TV, obviously knackered, whilst Dom played with his fire engine. Or maybe the electronic engine …
Knacker in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
Mar 11, 2017 · 10+1 sentence examples: 1. Careful or you'll knacker the gears! 2. Slow down - you'll knacker yourself out! 3. Don't go too fast or you'll knacker yourself in the first hour. 4. …
Examples of "Knack" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.com
Learn how to use "knack" in a sentence with 81 example sentences on YourDictionary.
- Email: admin@yourdictionary.com
Use "Knacker" in a sentence | "Knacker" sentence examples
- (1) The knacker's yard is a somber place. (2) The knacker's job is not for everyone (3) The knackerarrived to collect the old horse. (4) The knacker's job is not for the faint-hearted. (5) The knacker's job is to dispose of dead animals. (6) The knacker's trade is a necessary but grim one. (7) The knacker's job was not for the faint of heart. (8) T...
Knackered in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
Meaning: adj. very tired. 1. I was absolutely knackered at the end of the match. 2. I knackered my ankle playing football. 3. I'm completely knackered I ran all the way! 4. I was knackered after …
- People also ask
How To Use Knacker In a Sentence? Easy Examples
Mar 5, 2024 · Learn To Use Knacker In A Sentence With These Examples. Why did the knacker not show up for the meeting? Can you please hand me the knacker for the broken printer? …
Knacker in a sentence | 99+ Example sentences - Sentence …
Examples of how to use the word knacker in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available.
knacker in a sentence - knacker sentence - ichacha.net
knacker in a sentence - Use knacker in a sentence and its meaning 1. The word " knacker " was first used in 1812. 2. Grasel was born into the poor family of a knacker. click for more …
Example sentences with: knacker| Make a sentence| Make …
At these words the Chamberlain, with a hasty step that made the plume of his helmet tremble, strode up to the knacker and threw him a purse full of money. The above list will hopefully give …
Examples of "Knackered" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.com
Learn how to use "knackered" in a sentence with 12 example sentences on YourDictionary.
KNACKERED in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use …
How To Use Knackered in Sentences? When using the word Knackered in a sentence, it is essential to understand its meaning and proper context. Knackered is a British slang term that …
Use of knacker in Sentence [8 examples] - urdu2eng.com
Use of knacker in Sentences. 8 Examples. The examples include knacker at the start of sentence, knacker at the end of sentence and knacker in the middle of sentence
knackers Examples - English Examples | knackers Usages and …
Examples of knackers in a Sentence; Examples of knacker. He is only fit for the knacker's yard. Examples of knackered. I can't go out tonight — I'm knackered. In the end though he had to …
Please show me example sentences with Knacker(verb) - HiNative
Mar 6, 1980 · Knacker is usually used as an adjective: knackered. It is slang, meaning very tired. You would only use it in very informal situations, like chatting with friends, not to your boss. Its …
How do you use knacker in a sentence? - Answers
When his horse got too old to pull the cart he was going to fetch the knacker for it but I offered him a fair price and put old Boxer out to grass and a well earned retirement.
KNACKER Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
See examples of KNACKER used in a sentence.
Examples of "Knackers" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.com
Learn how to use "knackers" in a sentence with 4 example sentences on YourDictionary.
The Word "Knacker" in Example Sentences
Sentences are sorted by length, with 50 sentences per page. Sentences with audio are shown first, followed by sentences without audio. Only sentences from the Tatoeba Corpus that have …
The Word "Knacker" in Example Sentences - Page 1
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Knacker" in Example Sentences Page 1
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