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  1. Jonah 2 - Jonah Running Into God | A Sermon by …

    • Now, when we read the prayer out of context, it looks like a pretty good prayer. It looks like a prayer we could all learn from. And we will learn from it. We learn from verse one that Jonah is inside a big fish, an… See more

    Jonah’s Prayer Considered

    Generally, Jonah is thought to be a book about how Jonah went on a missions trip, and so should we. While Jonah is about going on a mission, it is not the main focus of the story… See more

    Redeeming God
    Jonah’s Prayer Reconsidered

    Remember the story of the Pharisee and the Tax collector in Luke 18:10-14? The Pharisee thinks he is so righteous and prays to God, “God, thank you that I am not like this sin… See more

    Redeeming God
    God’s Reaction to Jonah’s Prayer

    Jonah 2:10. So the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land. Notice that I have said very little about the fish. Some commentators spend considerable time attem… See more

    Redeeming God

    What can we learn from Jonah’s prayer today? First, Jonah’s prayer warns of us spiritual superficiality, that is spiritual shallowness. I greatly fear that shallow spirituality i… See more

    Redeeming God
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