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  1. Work Experience Letter SAMPLES for MS Word - Wo

    This letter is to certify that (applicant’s name) was working as a full-time employee in (company’s name) as a (designation). During his four years of service, we found him a sincere, honest and responsible employee with a professional attitude. He attains excellent skills and great job knowledge. His hardworking nature shows his dedication to his ...

    Word & Excel Templates

    It is to verify the employment of (applicant’s name), who was working in (company’s name) as (designation) from [Date] to [Date]. He was working in the organization as a full-time employee. During his tenure, his overall performance was excellent and was a productive employee of the organization. He was engaged in the project (name) and completed t...

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    I hereby Mr. (name) verify the employment of (applicant’s name) working in (company’s name). In (date, 2010) [Name] started as (designation), and after one year of his strong dedication and commitment, the organization promoted him to (designation). He worked in the organization for seven years. He gains strong management and leadership qualities a...

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    I am writing this letter to inform you that (applicant’s name) was working as (designation) in the (company’s name). While working at the organization, he took part in many major projects and held several responsibilities. He completed the projects and other tasks with full commitment. His working skills are purely professional and has been one of ...

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    It is to verify that (applicant’s name) has been working for a period of four years in (company’s name) at the post of (designation). During his tenure with us, (applicant’s name) handled a wide range of duties and responsibilities in various projects. He credibly gives full commitment to every phase of the project to completion. He is a competent ...

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