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From the Kantō region to the Kinki region, along with Kōchi Prefecture, there are legends of okuri-ōkami (送り狼; literally, 'sending off wolf').
Learn more:From the Kantō region to the Kinki region, along with Kōchi Prefecture, there are legends of okuri-ōkami (送り狼; literally, 'sending off wolf').
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okuri-inuAppearance: The okuri inu is a nocturnal dog- or wolf-like yokai which haunts mountain passes, forested roads, and similar locations. They resemble ordinary dogs and wolves in all but their ferocity; for their are much more dangerous than their mortal counterparts.
yokai.com/okuriinu/The following is a list of Akuma (demons), Yūrei (ghosts), Yōkai (spirits), Kami and other legendary creatures that are notable in Japanese folklore and mythology. A small furry tsukumogami formed from the stirrup of a mounted soldier who fell in battle, it typically stays put and awaits its creator's return, unaware of said soldier's death.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_legendary_creatures_…In Japan, the legends are that of the yokai. Yokai are Japanese demons that can come in many shapes and forms, from shape-shifting animals to demonic monsters. They can possess a physical form but can also be spirits that evaporate into thin air.
sugoii-japan.com/most-popular-yokai-japanese-leg…Ancient historic accounts from Japan report this mythical story how the wolf deity, a white wolf (白狼, shir ō kami), in times of need suddenly appeared to Yamato Takeru, son of Emperor Keikko (around AD100). Takaru got lost on a road near Mitakesan (御嶽山) when a local demon shapeshifted into a white deer (白鹿) and obstructed the road.
ralphhaussler.weebly.com/wolf-mythologie-japan.html- See moreSee all on Wikipedia
Okuri-inu - Wikipedia
From the Kantō region to the Kinki region, along with Kōchi Prefecture, there are legends of okuri-ōkami (送り狼; literally, 'sending off wolf'). See more
The Okuri-inu (送り犬) (literally, 'escorting dog') is a kind of yōkai. There are stories of the okuri-inu from the Tōhoku region to Kyushu, but depending on the area it can be a wolf not a dog, … See more
The okuri-inu closely follows people who are walking along mountain paths at nighttime. If by chance the person falls over they will be immediately eaten up, but if they pretend to be having a … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Okuri inu - Yokai.com
Appearance: The okuri inu is a nocturnal dog- or wolf-like yokai which haunts mountain passes, forested roads, and similar locations. They resemble ordinary dogs and wolves in all but their ferocity; for their are much more dangerous …
List of legendary creatures from Japan - Wikipedia
Abumi-guchi A small furry tsukumogami formed from the stirrup of a mounted soldier who fell in battle, it typically stays put and awaits its creator's return, unaware of said soldier's death. Abura-akago An infant ghost that licks the oil out of andon lamps. Abura-sumashi A large-headed spirit that lives in the mountain passes of Kumamoto Prefecture, thought to be the reincarnation of a person who stole oil and then fled into the woods. Agubanba (あぐばんば, lit. 'ash crone') A blin…
Abumi-guchi A small furry tsukumogami formed from the stirrup of a mounted soldier who fell in battle, it typically stays put and awaits its creator's return, unaware of said soldier's death. Abura-akago An infant ghost that licks the oil out of andon lamps. Abura-sumashi A large-headed spirit that lives in the mountain passes of Kumamoto Prefecture, thought to be the reincarnation of a person who stole oil and then fled into the woods. Agubanba (あぐばんば, lit. 'ash crone') A blin…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseThe 20 Most Popular & Scariest Yokai: Japan’s Legendary Demons
See more on sugoii-japan.comTengu is a legendary yokai that you’d likely have come across whilst exploring Japan. This popular folklore creature is often printed on arts and crafts and is featured in many cultural performances. Tengu is depicted as an evil-looking long-nosed creature, with an almost bird-like face. Tengu’s sole purpose is to deviate …Wolf Deities in Japan - Homepage Ralph Häussler
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Which demon is a wolf? - The Environmental Literacy Council
21 hours ago · 2. What are Yōkai in Japanese folklore?. Yōkai are a class of supernatural entities in Japanese folklore, often translated as monsters, demons, or spirits. They encompass a wide …
A-Yokai-A-Day: Okuri-inu | 妖怪シリーズ:送り犬
Oct 18, 2012 · This superstition is extremely old, and found in all parts of Japan; certainly wolves and superstitions surrounding them have existed for as long as humans have existed on the Japanese isles, and the legend of the okuri-inu …
Nature in Short / Yokai tales: The spirit of the …
Despite being such a small animal, the Japanese wolf was frequently portrayed as dangerous in Japanese folklore. In the Chichibu and Okutama Mountains west of Tokyo, however, the wolf was traditionally revered as a messenger or …
The 10 Most Common Mythological Japanese …
Apr 21, 2023 · From harmless apparitions to demonic beings, here are some of the most common mythological Japanese creatures to know about. bake-danuki is a shapeshifting yokai (supernatural spirit) that's known across many parts of …
Okami (folklore) - SamuraiWiki - Samurai Archives
Oct 10, 2010 · Ôkami is the Japanese name for the creature commonly called the Japanese wolf (Canus lupus hodophylax), which became extinct in 1905, though there have been many …
The Legend of Yamato’s Sacred Animals: The Owl …
Oct 23, 2024 · The owl and the wolf hold a significant place in Yamato mythology, serving as sacred symbols that embody wisdom, protection, and the intricate balance of nature. Their stories reflect the values and beliefs of Japanese …
Tengu: Japan’s Mysterious Guardian, Demon, and Folk Legend
Feb 16, 2025 · Tengu are one of Japan’s most iconic and enigmatic figures, steeped in centuries of tradition and folklore. Often depicted with a red face, long nose, and the attire of mountain …
Ōkami: Japanese Wolf Part 2 Legends and Lore (Ep. 110)
Oct 16, 2022 · Last episode was Part One of the ōkami, the Japanese wolf. It was all the basics: the two kinds of wolf, Honshu and Hokkaido, what it looked like, what they did, and how it …
72 Famous Japanese Yokai: A Comprehensive Guide to Japan's …
Mar 1, 2025 · A particularly fierce demon noted for its ferocity during the Genpei War. Known as a formidable warrior, Ibaraki-dōji’s savage battles and immense strength have secured its place …
Okami: The Divine Protector of Japanese Mythology - Mythlok
Okami, often translated as “great deity” or “great wolf,” holds a revered place in Japanese mythology and culture. Rooted in Shinto and Buddhist traditions, Okami mythology …
33 Terrifying Japanese Oni: Unveil the Dark Legends of Ancient …
Feb 15, 2025 · Discover 33 terrifying Japanese oni, from vengeful spirits to fearsome demon lords. Explore ancient legends and eerie folklore that reveal the dark, supernatural side of Japan.
What Does Okami Mean in Japanese? An In-Depth Cultural and …
Oct 25, 2023 · Of course, Japanese mythology also contains tales of dark demonic wolves that Amaterasu must overcome. These include: Yōkai – Supernatural monsters like the ruthless …
Exploring The Meaning: What Does The Wolf Symbolize In …
Jun 19, 2023 · In Japanese mythology, wolves are referred to as “ōkami” which means both “wolf” and “great god”. The wolf has played a significant role in Japanese folktales and legends, and …
44 Fascinating Japanese Oni: Myths, Legends, and Demon Lore
Feb 15, 2025 · Japanese folklore is teeming with tales of supernatural beings, and among the most iconic are the Oni—demon-like creatures that have inspired legends, art, and popular …
135+ Japanese Demon Names You Should Know - OSCMagazine
Dec 4, 2024 · Japanese demon names have a rich history rooted in folklore and mythology. These names often represent various creatures that are believed to possess unique powers and …
Legends of Watanabe no Tsuna: The Original Demon Slayer
Mar 3, 2025 · The Original Demon Slayer. Tsuna is also said to have defeated a Tsuchigumo, a terrifying human-turned-spider-monster and a popular topic of kagura plays that may have …
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