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Itoh Peonies - White Flower Farm
Itohs are a remarkable treasure in any garden and an excellent source of cut flowers. Best grown with a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight. Please note: Peonies are shipped for fall planting. We apologize but there are no in stock items …
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Peony Nursery features large selection of ITOH Peonies, catalog …
WHITE EMPEROR ITOH Midseason Itoh Hybrid, semi-double, white flowers with light purple flares at the base of each petal, very rare to get, normal grower, attractive plant for the garden.
Itoh Peonies for Sale - Intersectional Peonies | Breck's – Brecks
Shop Breck's Itoh Peonies for sale! Make a splash with an affluence of flamboyant semi-double blooms with your favorite Intersectional Peonies. Order today!
Peonies for Sale - Shop Peony Plants for Sale - Spring Hill …
Whether you're seeking the plentiful, sturdy foliage of a tree peony, the robust blooms of a bush variety or a treasured Itoh peony, Spring Hill peonies are sure to steal the show when made a …
Breck's Multicolor Lollipop Itoh Peony Plant in 4-in Pot …
Lollipop Itoh Peony is as sweet and colourful as it sounds. Semi-double to double, 6 inch wide bright yellow flowers with reddish purple stripes running through the petals make it look like a delicious sweet in the garden.
Duchesse de Lorraine Itoh Peony - Spring Hill Nurseries
The Itoh is the dream peony—a coveted hybrid from herbaceous and tree peonies that's much harder to obtain. We've been building up our selection of …
- Reviews: 3
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Peony 'Yellow Crown' - Itoh Peony - White Flower Farm
Itoh Peonies are Interspecific hybrids (crosses between species) that combine the best qualities of woody-stemmed Tree Peonies and Herbaceous Peonies. Itohs are as tough and easy to grow as Herbaceous Peonies, with the exquisite, …
Keiko™ (Adored) Itoh Peony - Monrovia
Large, semi-double to double, lightly fragrant flowers on strong stems above a compact mound of dark green foliage. Dark lavender-pink petals mature and fade to a soft pink, revealing a cluster of yellow stamens in the center. Prefers full …
Collection: Itoh intersectional Peonies - Brooks …
Brooks Gardens offers nearly 40 varieties of Itoh peonies, a hybrid cross between a bush peony and a tree peony. You can order peony roots online for fall planting and enjoy their fragrant and colorful flowers.
Oochigeas Itoh Peony, Paeonia (Intersectional hybrid) …
The exquisite double blooms of this prized Itoh peony are a beautiful fusion of creamy apricot-pink petals uniquely painted with purple flares that mellow into lighter shades.
Order Hidden Springs Peonies Online - Free Ship …
This vast selection of peonies includes new Itoh Hybrids, large blossomed fragrant garden varieties, botanical peony species, fern-leaf peonies, and the hard-to-find and much-sought-after hybrid peonies in vibrant true red, yellow, …
ITOH Peonies for Sale | ITOH Peony Plants, Bulbs, Roots | Dutch …
Jan 16, 2021 · Itoh peony varieties like "Bartzella," "Scarlet Heaven," and "Cora Louise" are some of the most popular ones. When choosing your plants, look for robust, disease-free specimens …
Wholesale Itoh Peonies | From A.D.R. Bulbs
Buy Wholesale Bare Root Itoh Peonies Online from A.D.R. Bulbs. Top Size, Bulk Bare Root Peony for Sale at Wholesale Only Prices. Cora Louise, Garden Treasure and more.
Bartzella Itoh Peony - Spring Hill Nurseries
Prolific peony produces up to 80 gorgeous double flowers from late spring to early summer. A cross between herbaceous and tree peonies, Itoh peonies have a dense, rounded form, a …
- Reviews: 25
Itoh Peony Roots - Collection - Eden Brothers
Itoh peonies (also known as intersectional peonies) share the traits of two peony varieties that you know and love: the hardiness of traditional garden peonies, and the upright growing style and …
Itoh Peony - American Meadows
Itoh peonies (also known as Intersectional peonies) are an intentional mix of two amazing plants. Borrowing the hardiness of traditional garden peonies, Itohs present the upright growing style, …
Bartzella Itoh Peony For Sale | K. van Bourgondien
Buy Itoh Peony bulbs at wholesale prices from K. van Bourgondien. Our yellow Bartzella Itoh Peony for sale will brighten up any garden landscape. Order today!
Itoh Peonies for Sale | Amazing Discounts | Breck's
Make a splash with an affluence of flamboyant semi-double blooms! Shop Breck's Itoh peonies collection at amazing low prices. Act now!
Itoh Peony- Bartzella, Julia Rose or Cora Louise - Etsy
Feb 19, 2025 · Note: Taking orders for early spring (March- April) 2025. See below for other varieties of Itoh Peonies available. This weekend only - 20% off on orders of $100 or more. 1. …
Oochigeas Itoh Peony - Spring Hill Nurseries
This Itoh peony produces an abundance of fully double blooms in unexpected colors. Great in a perennial border, cutting garden or as a foundation plant.
- Reviews: 6
Itoh – Tagged "itoh" – CALEDON HILLS PEONY FARM
Itoh Peonies (also known as intersectionals) have the remarkable flowers and handsome foliage of Tree Peonies on herbaceous plants with tops that die back to approximately 1-2" above …