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- Ismarus or Ismaros (Ancient Greek: Ἴσμαρος) was a city of the Cicones, in ancient Thrace, mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. [1] After their departure from Troy, Odysseus and his companions stop at Ismaros. [2] They sack the town, and attack the Cicones, the inhabitants of the adjacent region.www.hellenicaworld.com/Greece/Geo/en/IsmarusThrace.html
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Ismarus (Thrace) - Wikipedia
According to Book 9 of the Odyssey, following their departure from Troy, after winning the Trojan War, in which the Cicones had been allies of the Trojans, Odysseus and his companions are blown off course to Ismaros. They sack the town, kill most of the men and divide the women and plunder among themselves, then … See more
Ismarus or Ismaros (Ancient Greek: Ἴσμαρος) was a city of the Cicones, in ancient Thrace, mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Cicones - Wikipedia
The Cicones or Ciconians /sɪˈkoʊniənz/ were a Homeric Thracian tribe, whose stronghold in the time of Odysseus was the town of Ismara (or Ismarus), located at the foot of mount Ismara, on the south coast of Thrace (in modern Greece). They are mentioned in book two of the Iliad as having joined the war on the side of the Trojans, led by Euphemus. In book nine of Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus and hi…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Ismarus | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
Dec 14, 2004 · Ismarus. A son of Eumolpus, is said to have fled with his father from Ethiopia to Thrace, and from thence to Eleusis.
Ismarus (Thrace) - Hellenica World
Ismarus or Ismaros (Ancient Greek: Ἴσμαρος) was a city of the Cicones, in ancient Thrace, mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. [1] After their departure from Troy, Odysseus and his …
Ismarus - Geographia, Classical Mythology - timelessmyths.com
Ismarus, a coastal city in southern Thrace, was home to the Cicones, a Thracian tribe. Notably sacked by Odysseus following the Fall of Troy, this early adventure showcases the legendary …
greek - Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange
How Odysseus conquers Ismaros so easily. Most likely by striking quickly and catching the Cicones of Ismaros by surprise. Greek 50 oared ships of the time were suited to making …
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Ismarus | Religion Wiki | Fandom
Ismarus (Ancient Greek: Ἴσμαρος) also Ismaros or Ismara is a city of the Cicones, on the Aegean coast of Thrace, mentioned in the Odyssey. A mountain of the same name, "Ismaros". [1] …
Ciconians (Cicones) - Greek Mythology Link
After the sack of Troy, Odysseus, on his homeward way, came with his twelve ships to the land of the Cicones, where he pillaged the city of Ismarus, not sparing anyone except a priest of Apollo called Maron 1, son of Evanthes 1.
Greek Mythology - Cicones and the Lotus-Eaters
Odysseus and his companions arrived in the land of the Cicones (Κίκονες). They took the city of Ismarus (Ίσμαρος) and they knocked down its walls.
Ismarus - Ancient Greek (LSJ)
Θνητὸς πεφυκὼς τοὐπίσω πειρῶ βλέπειν → Homo natus id, quod instat, ut videas, age → Als sterblich Wesen mühe dich zu seh'n, was folgt. I a Lydian, companion of Æneas, Verg. A. 10, …
Cicones - Hellenica World
The Cicones or Ciconians (Greek u0001a溜虜凌僚竜 u001a) were a Thracian tribe, whose stronghold in the time of Odysseus was the city of Ismara (or Ismarus), located at the foot of …
Ismara | Myths of the World Wiki | Fandom
Ismara (Ancient Greek: Template:Polytonic) also Ismaros or Ismarus is a city of the Cicones, mentioned in the Odyssey. A Ciconian Homeric town on the Aegean coast of Thrace. A …
Ismara - hellenicaworld.com
Ismara (Greek Ἴσμαρος) also Ismaros or Ismarus is an ancient Ciconian town on the Aegean coast of Thrace and supposedly was the city mentioned in the Odyssey. The Odyssey's …
Icarus - Greek Mythology
Icarus is one of the most famous tragic figures in Greek mythology, as his story highlights the dangers of hubris, or excessive pride. Although he was warned by his father not to fly too high, …
The Cicones in The Odyssey: Homer’s Example of Karmic …
Jan 11, 2022 · During the Trojan war, the Cicones came to offer support and protection to the Trojans. They are not mentioned again in the Iliad, but they are considered enemies of the …
Cicones | Myths of the World Wiki | Fandom
The Cicones, Ciconians or Kikonians, ( Template:Lang-el) were a HomericThracian [1] tribe, whose stronghold in the time of Odysseus was the town of Ismara (or Ismarus ), located at the …
Ismarus (Thrace) - Wikiwand
Ismarus or Ismaros (Ancient Greek: Ἴσμαρος) was a city of the Cicones, in ancient Thrace, mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. [1] Odyessus and His Companions Fighting the Cicones …
About: Ismarus (Thrace) - DBpedia Association
Ismarus or Ismaros (Ancient Greek: Ἴσμαρος) was a city of the Cicones, in ancient Thrace, mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey.
Cicones | Religion Wiki | Fandom
The Cicones, Ciconians or Kikonians, (Grrek: Κίκονες) were a Homeric Thracian tribe, whose stronghold in the time of Odysseus was the town of Ismara (or Ismarus), located at the foot of …
What is Ismarus (the city of Cicones) in The Odyssey?
What is Ismarus (the city of Cicones) in The Odyssey? The Odyssey: The Odyssey is an epic Greek poem that tells about the journey for Odysseus as he attempts to make his way back to …
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