irish heroes list - Search
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  1. List of Irish mythological figures - Wikipedia

    • Figures in Irish mythology include the following: Lugh - legendary hero and High King of Ireland, god of leadership, skills, the sun, and alliances, associated with friends. Fergus Mac Roich - Former king of Ulster. Narrator of Tain Bo Cuailnge. See more


    Figures in Irish mythology include the following: See more

    Mythological Cycle

    Aengus - god of passionate and romantic love, youth and poetic inspiration
    Áine - goddess of parental and familial love, summer, wealth and sovereignty
    Banba, Ériu and Fódla - patron goddesses of Ireland… See more

    Ulster Cycle

    Ailill mac Máta - king of Connacht and husband of Medb
    Conchobar mac Nessa - king of Ulster
    Cú Chulainn - mythological hero known for his terrible battle frenzy… See more

    Fenian Cycle

    Fionn mac Cumhaill - legendary hunter-warrior and leader of the Fianna
    Caílte mac Rónáin - warrior of the Fianna who could run at remarkable speed and communicate with animals, and was a great storyteller… See more


    Aibell - fairy queen of Thomond
    • Amadan Dubh - trickster fairy known as the "dark fool"
    Cailleach - divine hag
    Canola - mythical inventor of the harpSee more

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