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- A smartphone with an “intuitive interface” is one that doesn't need much explaining; you can usually figure out how it works as soon as you fire it up. The related noun intuition, meanwhile, describes a feeling of knowing or understanding something without evident rational thought and inference.www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/intuitive
Intuition vs. Intuitiveness — What’s the Difference?
May 13, 2024 · Intuition refers to the ability to understand something instinctively, while intuitiveness is the quality of being easy to understand or use based on instinctive knowledge.
Intuition: What It Is and How It Works - Psychology …
Aug 22, 2023 · Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning or an explanation. The use of intuition is sometimes referred to as...
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Intuition - Wikipedia
Intuitive vs Intuitiveness - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
What Does It Mean To Be Intuitive & Why It’s Important?
Intuitive Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
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What Is Intuition, And How Do We Use It?
Aug 31, 2011 · • Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and nonconscious parts of our mind, and also...
What is the difference between intuition and intuitive?
8 Truths About Intuition - Psychology Today
Intuition is a form of unconscious intelligence that can be fast, accurate, and efficient, but also biased and misleading. Learn how intuition works, when to trust it, and how to improve it in various domains of life.
Is intuitivity a word and how do I use it?
Intuition vs. Intuitive | the difference - CompareWords
INTUITIVENESS definition | Cambridge English Dictionary
What Is Intuition and Why Is It Important? 5 Examples
Intuition - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
10 Traits Of An Intuitive Person | mindbodygreen
Intuition and Insight: Two Processes That Build on Each Other or ...
Intuition: Definition, Examples, & Quotes - The Berkeley Well …
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