installing wet room shower floor - Search
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  1. How to Build a Walk in Shower or …

    • For years wetrooms and shower rooms were limited to ground floors and had to be sited on a concrete, or at least screeded, base. With new technologies, particularly around ways to manage the expansio… See more

    Preparation For Wet Rooms

    The first thing to understand about a conventional wet room is that it will only ever be as waterproof as the surface used to line it. This surface, be it porcelain tiles, ceramic tile… See more

    DIY Doctor
    Different Ways to Construct A Wetroom

    Although all of the possible ways to complete your project we mention on this page are great ways of achieving your dream, they can all be very easily spoiled by lack of p… See more

    DIY Doctor
    Wetroom Formed on A Concrete Floor

    The hardest thing about forming a wetroom floor when working on a concrete base such as a ground floor slab, is installing the drain pipe which takes the waste water away. Usu… See more

    DIY Doctor
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