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  1. Personality

    Karui seems to have a somewhat comedically antagonistic relationship with her teammate Omoi. During their début, they argued over the possible reasons that the Raikage could have called them. She assumed th… See more


    Karui is a dark-skinned kunoichi with long spiky red hair and amber eyes. As noted by Omoi in Part II, she was flat-chested. She wears a long, short-sleeved dress with frilly edges complete with the Kumogakure flak jacket, two … See more


    As a chūnin, Karui is undoubtedly a capable kunoichi. She has demonstrated great teamwork skills, able to coordinate attacks with her partner Omoi without either needing to communicate. In terms of fighting styl… See more

    Part II

    Pain's Assault
    Main article: Pain's Assault In her first appearance, she and Omoi argued over the possible reasons that they could have been summoned by the Raikage. Omoi thought he was goi… See more

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