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    [rəˈzij(ə)wəl, rəˈzij(ə)l]
    residual (adjective)
    1. remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone:
      "the withdrawal of residual occupying forces"
      • (of a quantity) left after other things have been subtracted:
        "residual income after tax and mortgage payments"
      • (of a physical state or property) remaining after the removal of or present in the absence of a causative agent:
        "residual stenosis"
      • (of an experimental or arithmetical error) not accounted for or eliminated.
      • (of a soil or other deposit) formed in situ by weathering.
    residual (noun) · residuals (plural noun)
    1. a quantity remaining after other things have been subtracted or allowed for.
      • a difference between a value measured in a scientific experiment and the theoretical or true value.
      • a royalty paid to a performer, writer, etc., for a repeat of a play, television show, etc..
      • geology
        a portion of rocky or high ground remaining after erosion.
      • the resale value of a new car or other item at a specified time after purchase, expressed as a percentage of its purchase price.
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  1. : remainder, residuum: such as a : the difference between results obtained by observation and by computation from a formula or between the mean of several observations and any one of them
    adjective pertaining to or constituting a residue or remainder; remaining; leftover.
    RESIDUAL meaning: 1. remaining after most of something has gone: 2. a payment made to an actor, singer, writer, etc….
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of a residue. 2. Remaining as a residue. n. 1. The quantity left over at the end of a process; a remainder. 2. often residuals A payment made to a performer, writer, or director for each repeat showing of a recorded television show or commercial.
  2. Residual Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

  3. RESIDUAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

  4. RESIDUAL | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

  5. RESIDUAL Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com

  6. Residual - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com

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