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  1. 7 Types of Contour Drawing Explained: Quick and …

    • A Contour drawing is the initial outline of an object or sketch before anything has been added. Think of the outline drawing as the scaffold, or skeleton, upon which the form, or body, is constructed. The outli… See more

    7 Types of Contour Drawing

    Below is a list of 7 different types of contour line drawings,, but I’m conscious that they are somewhat artificial distinctions. They feel a bit artificial to me. They describe some minor contour drawing exercises with different tec… See more

    Why Is Drawing A Contour Line Important?

    The main goal of contour drawing is to outline a subject and gauge the correct proportions. The contour lines are the boundaries, or outermost edges of a form, that bind the drawing together in the early stages. It’s … See more

    Where Do You Begin Drawing A Contour Line?

    Make a start with the most obvious shapes you can see. Do not concern yourself with any detail or even form at the beginning. All that matters is the overall shapes, alignments, and sizes in relation to each other. You’l… See more

    What Art Supplies Do You Need For Creating A Contour drawing?

    There are plenty of choices. Graphite drawing pencils are only one of them. Pen and ink is another common choice. I like to use Sakura Pigment fineliner pens because I’m a control freak. They come in a range of widths, do… See more

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