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  1. Stress and Strain: Definition, Formula,Types in detail, …

    • It is measured as the external force applying per unit area of the body i.e, 1. Stress = External deforming force (F)/Area(A) 2. Its SI unit is Nm-2 or N/m2. 3. Its dimensional formula is [ML-1T-2].… See more

    Types of Stress

    There are mainly 3 types of stresses: 1. Tensile stress 2. Compressive stress 3. Tangential stress Tensile stress: Tensile stress is defined as the increase in length of the body d… See more

    The Mechanical Engineering
    Strain Definition

    Strain is defined as the change in shape or size of a body due to deforming force applied on it. We can say that a body is strained due to stress. See more

    The Mechanical Engineering
    Strain Formula

    Its symbol is (∈). Strain is measured by the ratio ofchange in dimension to the original dimension. i.e, Since it is ratio of two similar quantities, it is a pure number. Therefore, Strain has … See more

    The Mechanical Engineering
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