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Fractus - Cloud Appreciation Society
When Stratus clouds or Cumulus clouds appear as broken fragments, they are known by the species fractus. And while all example of fractus clouds are united by their frayed, shred-like appearance, they can form in a number of quite …
Other content from cloudappreciationsociety.orgStratus, its types, species, varieties and features
Stratus fractus - St(fra) When stratus cloud sheets begin to break up, or when they are forming, scuds of broken ragged cloud occur, such as in this example. After a cloudy morning, the sun …
Stratus cloud - Wikipedia
Stratus nebulosus clouds appear as a featureless or nebulous veil or layer of stratus clouds with no distinctive features or structure. They are found at low altitudes, and are a good sign of atmospheric stability, which indicates continuous stable weather. Stratus nebulosus may produce light rain and drizzle or flakes of snow. Stratus fractus clouds on the other hand, appear with an irr…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
A display of stratus fractus that has a resemblance to smoke…
As Junichi was riding the bus, he could see the blue sky from the window. When a bus parked right next to him, he thought that the floating clouds made an interesting composition, as seen …
Photo Gallery - Cloud Appreciation Society
This is an example of: Sunset / Sunrise | Stratus | Altocumulus | Contrail (homogenitus) | Homogenitus
Explanatory remarks and special clouds - International Cloud Atlas
Stratus fractus clouds may also form as accessory clouds under Altostratus, Nimbostratus, Cumulonimbus and precipitating Cumulus. They develop as a result of turbulence in the …
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Fractus cloud - Wikipedia
A nimbostratus cloud in the background with a stratus fractus in the middle of the upper half of the image.. Fractus are accessory clouds, named for the type of cloud from which they were sheared.The two principal forms are cumulus …
St fra compared with Cu fra | International Cloud Atlas
Stratus fractus is distinguished from Cumulus fractus by: Being less white and less dense; Having less vertical development, as it owes its formation mainly to turbulence, not heating of the air …
Stratus fractus (St fra) - International Cloud Atlas
Stratus occurring in the form of irregular ragged shreds, the outlines of which change continuously and often rapidly. The text enclosed in grey-shaded boxes, like this example, comprises Annex …
What are Fractus Clouds? - FastWeather.com
A fractus cloud (scud) is a fragmented, tattered cloud which has likely been sheared off of another cloud. They are accessory clouds, meaning they develop from parent clouds, and are named in a way which describes the original …
9. Clouds and Precipitation - NWCG
The word fractus is used to identify clouds broken into fragments by strong winds—such as stratus fractus and cumulus fractus. Air stability has an important effect on the type of cloud formation. A stable layer which remains stable …
fractus - Glossary of Meteorology
Stratus fractus is distinguishable from cumulus fractus by its smaller vertical extent, darker color, and by the greater dispersion of its particles. Cumulus fractus actually looks like a ragged …
Fractus Clouds: Ragged, Broken Up | WhatsThisCloud
The ‘fractus’ cloud species is found in only low-altitude cumulus and stratus cloud types, and is one of only two species that’s associated with stratus clouds. Translated from latin meaning …
Stratus fractus fluctus (St fra flu) - What's This Cloud
Summary: This is a ragged, low-level cloud layer with some Kelvin-Helmholtz wave clouds sitting atop, classifying it as stratus fractus fluctus (St fra flu). Cloud Type. When determining the …
Cloud Imaging - Idaho State University
Stratus (St) clouds are typically a uniform grayish color covering over the entire sky. These clouds are often mistaken for a fog, but they do not touch the ground. They may be associated with …
Stratus clouds - Met Office
Stratus clouds are low-level layers with a fairly uniform grey or white colour. Often the scene of dull, overcast days in its 'nebulosus' form, they can persist for long periods of time. They are …
Cu fra compared with St fra | International Cloud Atlas
Cumulus fractus is distinguished from Stratus fractus by: Generally greater vertical extent; Usually whiter and less transparent appearance; Possible rounded or dome shaped tops (Stratus …
Clouds from which Stratus may form | International Cloud Atlas
Stratus may form from the transformation of Stratocumulus (St stratocumulomutatus) when it thickens and lowers, forming a fairly uniform base; or the base stays at the same height, but …
Fractus cloud explained - Everything Explained Today
Fractus clouds, also called fractostratus or fractocumulus, are small, ragged cloud fragments that are usually found under an ambient cloud base. They form or have broken off from a larger …
Nimbostratus — Weather Briefing, L.C.
It is common for very low fractostratus clouds to be visible under the nimbostratus due to high relative humidity and rain. Lightning, thunder, or hail are not present.