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  1. Human Anatomy Fundamentals: Basic Body Proporti…

    Step 1: Create Your Chart From Heads

    Let's begin with the basics of human body drawing. A well-proportioned figure, regardless of variations due to gender and such, is defined by the alignment of the joints, which is invariable (that is, we perceive something odd if it does vary). This is our groundwork for the proportions of a human body diagram. Draw your own chart with me as we go—it really helps with learning t…

    Step 1: Create Your Chart From Heads

    Let's begin with the basics of human body drawing. A well-proportioned figure, regardless of variations due to gender and such, is defined by the alignment of the joints, which is invariable (that is, we perceive something odd if it does vary). This is our groundwork for the proportions of a human body diagram. Draw your own chart with me as we go—it really helps with learning the material. To learn how to draw a body, we start with the head. Start by drawing an oval or egg shape (pointy end...

    Step 2: The Pelvis

    Add the pelvic bone next, simplified as a flattened circle between marks 3 and 4, with the hip joints sitting on 4. Its width is roughly 1.5 to 2 head-widths. You can now add the spine to your body sketch, connecting the head to this most important part of the body, its center of gravity and stability.

    Step 3: The Legs and Knees

    Let’s assume the figure in this human anatomy drawing is standing with the fe…

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    The next step in learning how to draw a body is the profile. Start by drawing the head again, the same egg shape but with the end pointing diagonally down, and drop a vertical line from the crown to the ground. In an erect posture, you can place the pelvic bone (a narrower version of the head’s egg), the shoulder, and the knee of your human body di...

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    This completes the basic, undifferentiated human body drawing tutorial. Here’s a human body diagram to sum up all the human anatomy drawing outline techniques we reviewed:

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    We’ve covered a lot of material in this human anatomy drawing tutorial. Now is a good time to pause the studying and familiarize yourself with this basic figure and the principles of drawing a body with the right proportions. Then, we'll move on to the differences between male and female structures (and others). For instance, you can integrate this...

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    I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial about how to draw a body step by step. If you want to learn even more about how to draw bodies, we've got this great learning guide: Human Anatomy Fundamentals. There you'll find detailed human drawing tutorials and resources like these below. And if you need digital assets to make your drawings even more outstan...

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