red collared lorikeet - Search
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  1. DomainEukaryota

    Nicholas Aylward Vigors and Thomas Horsfield described the red-collared lorikeet in 1827. The species name is derived from the Latin words ruber "red" and torquis "neck".
    Molecular a… See more


    The red-collared lorikeet measures around 26 centimetres (10 in) long. The feathers of the head and throat are dark brown with blue shafts. There is an orange-red band on the back of the neck. The chest is orange wit… See more

    Distribution and habitat

    The red-collared lorikeet is found across northern Australia, from King Sound in Western Australia to the Gulf of Carpentaria. It lives in woodland, open forest and rainforest, and has adapted to urban envir… See more


    The species nests throughout its range, in hollows in large trees, generally some distance above the ground. One or two broods are laid each year between August and January or March to June. The clutch consists of … See more

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