realistic watercolor paintings - Search
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  1. The Secret to Realistic Watercolor Painting

    • Learn how to paint realistically with watercolor by focusing on values, colors and glazing techniques. Follow the step-by-step process of painting an apple with different levels of tone and light.… See more

    What Makes A Painting Realistic?

    I believe the key to making a painting look realistic is values. Values are the way artists describe differences in tone ranging from the lightest value (white) all the way to the darkes… See more

    Watercolor Affair
    How to Paint Realistically with Watercolor

    You can build up a range of values in watercolor progressively, one layer at a time. Because watercolors are transparent, each layer of color contributes to the final appearanc… See more

    Watercolor Affair
    Realistic Watercolor Painting Tutorial

    step 1
    We’re going to use a wet-in-wet technique for the first part of this painting. This basically means painting onto an already damp surfa… See more

    Watercolor Affair
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