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  1. How to Identify and Avoid Ragweed - The Spruce

    • Ragweed is a plant that many people speak of but might not know for sure what it looks like. It is well known by name because it is the prime source of fall allergies in North America. And it is hard to identify becau… See more


    There are two common varieties of ragweed: common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida). Together, the two plants account for most of the … See more

    The Spruce

    The leaf of the common ragweed plant is made up of multiple leaflets that have a fern-like appearance. The leaflets are essentially miniature versions of the whole leaf. Such l… See more

    The Spruce

    Another identifying feature on the common ragweed plant appears with its initial leaves, those that first come out after a seed germinates. These typically have some purpl… See more

    The Spruce
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