queen penelope odyssey - Search
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  1. TitleQueen of Ithaca
    ChildrenTelemachus · Poliporthes · Arcesilaus · Italus · Mamilia · Pan (alternative versions)
    RelativesIcarius (father) · Asterodia or Periboea (mother) · Iphthime (sister)
     The Loyal Wife of Odysseus
    The Loyal Wife of Odysseus
    In Greek mythology, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey. She was also the daughter of a Spartan king and a water nymph.
    Role in other myths

    Penelope also appears in the lost Greek epic Telegony. that does not survive except in a summary, but that was attributed to Eugamon or Eugammon of Cyrene and written as a sequel to the Odyssey. According t… See more


    Penelope is recognizable in Greek and Roman works, from Attic vase-paintings—the Penelope Painter is recognized by his representations of her—to Roman sculptures copying or improvisin… See more

    Latin tradition

    Latin references to Penelope revolved around her sexual loyalty to the absent Odysseus. It suited the marital aspect of Roman society representing the tranquility of the worthy family. She is mentioned by various cla… See more

    External links
    Kizdar net | Kizdar net | Кыздар Нет
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