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  1. 45 Different Email Greetings To Use at Work |

    • Learn how to choose the right email greeting for different work scenarios, from formal to informal, cold to warm. Find out the best ways to start emails with names, titles, honorifics, salutations and more.… See more

    Cold Email Greetings

    "Dear Sir or Madam"
    "To [insert title]"
    "To Whom It May Concern"
    "Dear Mr./Ms." See more

    Emails Greetings to Multiple People

    "Hello everyone"
    "Hi [first name 1], [first name 2] and [first name … See more

    Informal Email Greetings

    "Dear [first name]"
    "I hope this email finds you well"
    "Hello or hi"
    "Hope you're having a great week" See more

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