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  1. Palm tree facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia

    • Most palm trees grow in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They occur from about 44° northern latitude to about 44° southern latitude. The dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis) occurs in southern F… See more

    Shapes and Flowers

    Most palms are a straight, unbranched stem, but sometimes a branching stem, or even a creeping vine, such as the rattan. They have large evergreen leaves that are either 'fan-l… See more

    Kids encyclopedia
    Palm Fossils

    Palms first appear in the fossil record around 80 million years ago, during the late Cretaceous … See more

    Kids encyclopedia
    Palms in Danger

    Like many other plants, some palms are in danger of dying out because of human activity. The greatest dangers are from Increasingly large cities, mining, and turning fore… See more

    Kids encyclopedia
    Palm Farming and Use

    Date palms in history
    Human use of palms is as old as, or even older than, civilization itself, starting with the growing of date palms by Mesopotami… See more

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