oil painting still life flowers - Search
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  1. How to Paint Flowers in a Still Life Oil Painting

    • A track of SoLux MR-16 natural daylight floodlights, set two feet back from her easel, gives Bohannon balanced light over her painting and ambient light on her palette. With her windows blacked out, she can p… See more

    Step 2: Broad Strokes

    Working alla prima, she draws out her forms with the same thinned pigment used for toning. Keeping her strokes loose, she uses a large bristle brush for broad shapes as she esta… See more

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    Step 3: Adding Value

    Once she has a satisfactory underpainting, she works thin local color into the flowers, placing at least one area of her lightest lights and darkest darks to gain a sense of her value s… See more

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    Step 4: Refining Light and Dark

    Detail comes with the slow refinement of lights and darks. She switches to a smaller brush to clean up her previous stroke placements and compositional angles. She squints to b… See more

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