mozambique tilapia - Search
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  1. Meet the Mozambique Tilapia
    Meet the Mozambique Tilapia
    Have you ever heard of the Mozambique tilapia? It's a fish that can survive in fresh and salt water, eat almost anything, and reproduce quickly. Sounds impressive, right?

    The native Mozambique tilapia is laterally compressed, and has a deep body with long dorsal fins, the front part of which have spines. Native coloration is a dull greenish or yellowish, and weak banding may be seen. Adult… See more

    Distribution and habitat

    The Mozambique tilapia is native to inland and coastal waters in southeastern Africa, from the Zambezi basin in Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe to Bushman River in South Africa's Eastern Cape province. It … See more


    As with most species of tilapia, Mozambique tilapia have a high potential for hybridization. They are often crossbred with other tilapia species in aquaculture because purebred Mozambique tilapia grow slowly and … See more


    Mozambique tilapia are omnivorous. They can consume detritus, diatoms, phytoplankton, invertebrates, small fry and vegetation ranging from macroalgae to rooted plants. This broad diet helps the species thri… See more

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