most significant number in the bible - Search
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  1. Top 8 Significant Numbers in Biblical Numerology

    • The number one is used frequently throughout the Bible. Most notably, it refers to God Himself as being the “one true God” with only one of Him. The first commandment echoes this, saying “thou shalt ha… See more

    Number Two

    Two is the symbol of unity in the Bible. For example, the man and the women became one flesh in Genesis 1:27. Animals were sacrificed in twos throughout the Old Testament… See more

    Number 22

    The number 22 has a much more mathematical approach in the Bible. It is believe that the perfect shape is the circle, because it has no corners. Twenty two divided by … See more

    Number 12

    The number 12 means end and foundation. There were 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, and the Tree of Life gives 12 kinds of fruit. The city of Jerusalem has different parameter… See more

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