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- 13th - 19th May 2024The sign for 13th - 19th May 2024 is To Speak / To Talk.makaton.org/TMC/TMC/News_Stories/SOTW/SOTW_ToSpeak.aspx
To Speak / To Talk - Makaton
You can download the symbol and line drawing of the sign for To Speak / To Talk from the Makaton Library: Hide (You need to be signed in to access the Library.
See results only from makaton.orgTree
Learn a new word every week and be inspired to get signing. The sign for 3rd - …
How Makaton works
Makaton uses speech with signs (gestures) and symbols (pictures) to help people …
Help with autism and comm…
Makaton allows children and adults with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) to …
How to start using Makaton
How to start using Makaton. Here are our five top tips for using Makaton: Using …
Why should I speak when I sign or use symbols? It is really important to speak …
Makaton Signs and Symbols – Image and Video Guide Included
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Makaton - Sense
Makaton, or “key word signing”, is a simple and easy way of communicating using signs, symbols and speech. It’s not a formal sign language. Makaton signs are based on the signs used in British Sign Language, the language of the Deaf …
What is Makaton? - About Makaton
Makaton is a unique communication programme that uses symbols (pictures), signs (gestures) and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, …
What is Makaton? – Makaton SA
Makaton uses speech with signs (gestures) and symbols (pictures) to help people communicate. We also use facial expression, eye contact and body language to give as much extended information as possible. The Makaton South Africa …
How Makaton works
Makaton uses speech with signs (gestures) and symbols (pictures) to help people communicate. We also use facial expression, eye contact and body language to give as much information as …
- People also ask
Makaton Sign language Makaton is a very simple language based on a list of simple everyday words, which uses speech, gesture, facial expression, eye contact, body language, signs, …
Makaton is a language programme which combines the use of speech alongside gestures, facial expression, eye contact and body language. Makaton is widely used with children with …
Makaton - North East Autism Society
Makaton signs help convey meaning, because the signs give an extra clue when speaking, for example ‘Hello’ and ‘Drink’. The signs used in Makaton are from British Sign Language (BSL), which is the language of the deaf community in …
What is Makaton? Makaton uses signs (gestures), symbols (pictures) and speech, to help people communicate. It is used by both children and adults who experience difficulties communicating …
What is Makaton? - Liaise
Makaton enables people to communicate their thoughts and feelings clearly through signs, symbols and speech. It’s a versatile and adaptable language that can be tailored to each individual’s communication needs.
How to start using Makaton
How to start using Makaton. Here are our five top tips for using Makaton: Using Makaton is fun! Use signs and symbols as much and as often as you can. Always speak as you sign or use …
Resources: A further introduction to Makaton - Honey, I'm lost …
May 31, 2013 · With Makaton we sign while we speak sentences to link a visual clue with the spoken word. If your child has hearing difficulties then please do not start using Makaton signs …
Getting started with Makaton signing - Resource Library
Why use Makaton? Research has shown that signs and gestures are easier to learn than spoken words. Helping your child to learn some signs can stop them getting frustrated before they are …
10 Makaton Signs for Beginners! - Zen Educate
Here are 10 signs to get you started from Zen Educate! What is Makaton? Makaton is a communication tool that uses signs, speech and symbols. Not to be confused with British Sign …
Help with autism and communication - About Makaton
Makaton allows children and adults with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) to communicate independently using signs and symbols, with many naturally dropping them at their own pace, …
What Is Makaton? (And Why Is It A Useful Skill For Your Baby …
Apr 16, 2024 · Makaton is a form of communication that uses symbols, signs and speech to support the development of early essential communication skills. Including; attention and …
Beginner’s Makaton Guide Part 2: Teach yourself 10 useful …
Dec 20, 2020 · Over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton, a language designed to support spoken language with signs and symbols. It uses a unique visual approach to developing …
'Makaton has made our bond so much stronger' - BBC
3 days ago · Different to British Sign Language (BSL), Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. ... Now able to speak to TJ …
Your account - makaton.org
Mar 2, 2025 · Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills …
What is Makaton - Singing Hands
Makaton uses signs and symbols to help people communicate. It is designed to support the development of spoken language. Makaton signs are based on the gestures used in BSL …
'Makaton has made our bond so much stronger', says Derby …
2 days ago · Different to British Sign Language (BSL), Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. ... Now able to speak to TJ …
FAQ - About Makaton
Why should I speak when I sign or use symbols? It is really important to speak when you sign or use symbols. Makaton is designed to support spoken language. This means that we usually …