iphone wallpaper for ios 9 - Search
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  1. GitHub - SniperGER/iOS-Wallpapers: An archive of e…

    An archive of every iOS wallpaper officially released by Apple



    •iPod touch


    An archive of every iOS wallpaper officially released by Apple



    •iPod touch


    This repository aims to preserve every iOS wallpaper released by Apple, all the way from iPhone OS 1.0 up to (currently) iOS/iPadOS 17. Wallpapers are sorted by device class, followed by the screen size they are made for and the iOS/iPadOS version they have first been introduced in.

    If there are multiple screen sizes (such as 3.5" or 6.1"), the screen scale is added to the end. Wallpapers are also split into "Stills" and "Live" (previously "Motion").

    All wallpapers are extracted directly from /Library/Wallpaper within the respec…



    Screen Size Devices Initial OS Current OS1 3.5" 1x iOS 14.1 iOS 17 1 Current OS shows the latest version of iOS/iPadOS that introduced new wallpapers for this screen size. Beta releases are marked with their respective build numbers. 2 Wallpapers for 5.4" screen sizes include device specific wallpapers only. Otherwise, wallpapers for 5.8" screens are used.


    Note: Screen Size Devices Initial OS Current OS1 8.3" iOS 9.1 iPadOS 17 1 Current OS shows the latest version of iOS/iPadOS that introduced new wallpapers for this screen size. Beta releases are marked with their respective build numbers. 2 iPad mini (1st generation) uses the same resolution as 9.7" iPads (768x1024). 3 iPad mini 2 and later (except for iPad mini 6) use the same resolution as 9.7" iPads @ 2x (1536x2048).

    iPod touch

    Note: iPod touch uses the same wallpapers as iPhones running the same ver…

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    All of the wallpapers included are © 2007 - 2023 Apple Inc. and their respective creators/owners. This repository is created merely for archival purposes.

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    •Apple, Inc: For creating iOS/iPadOS and these wallpapers

    •Евгений Богун (Evgeny Bogun): For creating the iOS and macOS wallpaper albums on Google Photos. Seriously, check it out! These albums contain a lot of inofficial promo wallpapers which you'll never see here.

    •AR7: For creating (and collecting) awesome wallpapers!

    •Trevor Kay: For creating screensizes.app, which has helped me keep track of all those screen resolutions.

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