how to teach measurement preschoolers - Search
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how to teach measurement preschoolers

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    • Provide authentic and real-life experience as often as possible.
    • Encourage students to talk about math and explain how they measured, even if their answer is wrong. This helps develop mathematical thinking and questioning.
    • Use engaging and interesting manipulatives for measurement, rather than pencils and paper.
    • Ask leading questions when teaching.
    • Talk about who is ‘taller’ and ‘shorter’ when comparing the height of family members.
    • Spread out a sheet of newspaper on the floor. Count how many books will fit on top of it.
    • Ask your child to build a tall tower up to about 2 feet in height by stacking up blocks.
    • Use comparison words such as big and little, few or lots, when talking with children of all ages.
    • Use math talk: “The pink toy is bigger than the blue toy.” “You are taller than your sister.” “You put the smaller cup in the larger cup.”
    • Provide lots of opportunities for your students to sort objects by size.
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