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  1. How To Paint a Concrete Foundation

    • Gather the following items before starting this project: 1. 4-inch stiff bristle paintbrush 2. Drill 3. Drop cloth 4. Foundation paint 5. Long-handled brush 6. Medium gray primer 7. Paint scraper 8. Paint tra… See more

    Applying The Paint to Foundation

    With preparation complete and paint selected, you’re ready to begin painting. Follow these steps for the best results: 1. Pour the paint into a paint tray. 2. Use a 4-inch stiff bri… See more

    This Old House
    Tips For A Professional-Looking Foundation Finish

    Achieve the best results with these expert tips: 1. Work on a day with moderate temperatures and low humidity for optimal drying conditions. 2. Use high-quality brushes an… See more

    This Old House
    Maintaining Your Painted Foundation

    To keep your newly painted foundation looking great for years to come, follow these maintenance tips: 1. Regularly inspect the foundation for signs of wear or damage. 2… See more

    This Old House

    Henrique helps a homeowner add to their home’s curb appeal by repainting a cracked and chipping paint foundation. He removes the old chipping paint by scraping it with a 5-in-1 paint… See more

    This Old House
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