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- Dictionarynounpeak (noun) · peaks (plural noun)
- a mountain, especially one with a pointed top:"the rocky outcrops of peaks such as the Cassongrat offer a challenge to rock climbers"
- a projecting pointed part or shape:"whisk 2 egg whites to stiff peaks"
- a point in a curve or on a graph, or a value of a physical quantity, higher than those around it:"a slight increase in velocity provides a second peak on the general velocity curve"
- the point of highest activity, quality, or achievement:"anyone who saw Jones at his peak looked upon genius"Similar:high point/spotcrowning pointpeak of perfectionbest parttop formhighest level
- BRITISH ENGLISHa stiff brim at the front of a cap.
- the narrow part of a ship's hold at the bow or stern.
- the upper, outer corner of a sail extended by a gaff.
verbpeak (verb) · peaks (third person present) · peaked (past tense) · peaked (past participle) · peaking (present participle)adjectivepeak (adjective)- characterized by maximum activity or demand:"at peak hours, traffic speeds are reduced considerably"
- referring to the point at which the specified thing is at its highest level of popularity:"just when we think we've reached peak beard, the trend is showing no signs of slowing down"
Originlate Middle English: apparently originally a variant of pike. Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique - Merriam-Webster
'Peak' is when something is at its maximum. 'Pique' refers to anger or curiosity. Peek is sight-related and often refers to looking quickly or through a small space.
See results only from merriam-webster.comPeak
The meaning of PEAK is a pointed or projecting part of a garment; especially : the visor of a cap or hat. How to use peak in a sentence. Pee…
Peak vs. Peek: What's the Difference? - Grammarly
Peak definition: As a noun, peak signifies the pointed top of a mountain or any similar highest point. As a verb, to peak means to reach a maximum in capacity, value, or activity. Peak parts of speech: Noun: The peak of the hill offered a …
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PEAK Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PEAK is a pointed or projecting part of a garment; especially : the visor of a cap or hat. How to use peak in a sentence. Peek vs. Peak vs. Pique Synonym Discussion of Peak.
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words : Peak/Peek/Pique
"pique my interest" vs. "peak my interest" - Vocabulary.com
A peak is the top of a mountain or the highest point of something, like a graph or even a hat. As a verb, to peak means "to reach the highest point." So you might say that Pokémon Go initially …
Peek vs. Peak vs. Pique: How to Use Them Correctly …
Jun 6, 2023 · What does peak mean? The word peak suggests both the top of a mountain and the height of an accomplishment. Etymonline defines it as “pointed top” or “projecting summit.”
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peak vs. peek vs. pique : Commonly confused words
Peak is a topmost point, such as a mountain peak, or to reach that point: We're sort of at peak demand right now. A peek is a glance or a quick look, like you do with the unwrapped …
Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique: What’s the Difference?
The words peek vs. peak vs. pique can be confusing at times, but they all have very different meanings, so it’s important to keep them straight. Peak means a tapering, projecting point or a …
Peak vs. Peek – The Correct Way to Use Each | Confusing Words
Keep using peak instead of peek? Check out Ginger's spelling book and make sure you never confuse peak and peek again!
A Sneak Peek at the Correct Ways to Spell and Use …
Sep 30, 2022 · Peak means to reach a highest degree or maximum; to rise or extend into a peak or point; to form, or appear as, a peak: He has reached the peak of his career. The hiker’s goal was to reach the mountain’s peak on the …
Peak vs. peek vs. pique - GRAMMARIST
Peak: 1. a maximum; 2. to achieve a maximum. Pique: 1. to provoke or arouse; 2. a feeling of resentment or indignation. Peek: a quick glance or to glance quickly.
Peek vs Peak: Meaning, Examples and Usage - englishan.com
Feb 20, 2025 · Peak: Used in everyday conversations to indicate the best moment or level. That was the peak of my vacation! Mnemonic to Remember Peek vs Peak. To remember the …
Peek vs. Peak vs. Pique: Quick Comparison of Their Differences
Oct 26, 2021 · Peek, peak and pique are homophones, words that sound the same (pēk) but have different spellings and meanings. In order to distinguish between them, it’s important to …
Peek vs Peak | Difference, Meaning & Spelling - QuillBot
Sep 27, 2024 · Peek means to “look at something quickly,” while a peak is the highest point of something. Peek can be used as a verb (e.g., “Did you peek at the gifts?) and a noun (e.g., …
Peek vs. Peak: What’s the Difference? - Capitalize My Title
Dec 14, 2022 · What is Peak. The definition of the word “peak” is entirely different from “peek.” Peak (with the letter a instead of e) is the maximum or highest point. For instance, if a climber …
Peak vs. Pique: What's the Difference? - Grammarly
Peak refers to the topmost point or maximum level something can achieve, typically used in the context of mountains or graphs. In contrast, pique is a verb meaning to excite or arouse …
Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique | Chegg Writing
Mar 25, 2021 · The word peak can mean the highest point of something or indicate the act of reaching such a point. Peek can be a glance or the act of taking a quick, often sneaky, look. …
Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique - Home of English Grammar
May 2, 2017 · This post will help you determine their differences and how to correctly use them in your writing. The word peak can be used as a noun referring to “the pointed top of a mountain” …
Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique (Grammar Rules) - Writer's Digest
Feb 22, 2021 · Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique. Peak can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. However, it has a fairly consistent meaning in that peak means being at the top, highest, or …
Peek, Peak and Pique Meanings - Writers Write
Peek means to take a quick look at something. For example, "She peeked over the fence to see what was going on in her neighbor's yard." The spelling of peek might come to you if you can …
Should I use "peek", "peak", or "pique"? - ProWritingAid
Peek is a verb meaning 'glance' or 'take a quick look at something'. e.g. It's undeniably hard not to peek at the Christmas presents in your parents' closet. Peak is a noun meaning the 'height' or …
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