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Where do Hammerhead Sharks live? - animalsanswers.com
Let's find out about the habitat and distribution of the hammerhead shark in Where do Hammerhead Sharks live?
What do Hammerhead Sharks Eat? - animalsanswers.com
The Great Hammerhead shark preys on a diverse group of marine animals. It usually dines at dawn and dusk and includes sea catfishes, lobsters, tarpon, jacks, squids, sardines, toadfishes, groupers, porgies, crustaceans, crabs, herrings, croakers, boxfish, octopus, porcupine fish, grunts and even smaller sharks (like smoothhounds).
Sitemap - Animals Answers
Where Do Bengal Tigers Live? Where Do Whale Sharks Live? Where Do Tiger Sharks Live? Where Do Hammerhead Sharks Live? Where Do Great White Sharks Live? Where Do Bull Sharks Live? Where Do Green Sea Turtles Live? Where Do Siberian Tigers Live? Where Do Snowy Owls Live? Do Tigers Live in Africa? Where Do Loggerhead Sea Turtles Live?
How Do Sharks Breathe? - animalsanswers.com
The bottom-dwelling sharks like Whitetip reef shark and Nurse shark as well as skates and rays have to pump this oxygen-bearing water into their mouth. However, some of these species also have spiracles on the top of their head with the help of which they pump water into their mouth.
Where do Whale Sharks live? - animalsanswers.com
Let's find out about the habitat and distribution of the whale shark in Where do Whale Sharks live?
What do Whale Sharks Eat? - animalsanswers.com
In this method, the shark separates suspended food particles from water as the water flows over its spongy filter plates. Megamouth and Basking sharks are the only other two species (of sharks) that use this technique.
Do Whale Sharks Lay Eggs? - Animals Answers
It represented a full-term whale shark which proves that this species practices oviparous mode of reproduction. However, there was kind of a disbelief among scientists because several reasons held back this very hypothesis to be true. Some of the factors that overturned this assertion that whale shark was perhaps oviparous are:
What do Bull Sharks Eat? - Animals Answers
Bull shark hunts alone and in order to catch its target, it uses bump-and-bite technique. Every so often, the bull sharks stalk its prey in dirty waters where it is not easy to see through so that its prey cannot see it coming. Bull sharks prey on a diverse group of animals. It includes other sharks and rays, terrestrial mammals, turtles, crustaceans, dolphins, teleost fishes, echinoderms and ...
Why are Great White Sharks Endangered? – White Shark Status
Oct 21, 2017 · There are certain human-induced activities that pose danger to the survival of the great white like trophy-hunting, sports-fishing and fin trade soup. Humans usually hunt this species to trade its teeth and jaws in particular, as trophy-hunting. Let's find out why are great white sharks endangered.
What do Great White Sharks Eat? - Great White Shark & Eating …
Great white sharks typically eat chelonians, chimaeroids, crustaceans and mollusks like cephalopods. Besides, penguins and cormorants also fall prey to the white sharks, though infrequently. Let's find out about the diet of the great white shark in …