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  1. NBA & Basketball Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

    • This enjoyable classroom craft starts with each child decorating a plain styrofoam cup with basketball coloring page cutouts. The children should then make a “basketball” by embellishing an orange pom-po… See more

    Make A Keepsake Handprint Poster

    Begin this craft by giving each youngster fingerpaints with which to make handprints on a piece of poster board. Using white yarn or puffy paint, a basketball hoop should be d… See more

    Monday Mandala
    Decorate A Basketball Hoop Backboard

    If your child has a basketball hoop at home and it’s mounted on a backboard, he or she can have fun decorating it with items cut from finished coloring pages. Your child can color sever… See more

    Monday Mandala
    Make A Unique Door Sign

    Pages featuring a large basketball work best for this craft. Once the basketball is colored, the page should be glued to cardboard and the basketball embellished. Give the yo… See more

    Monday Mandala
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