does mullein grow in Ohio - Search
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  1. Ohio Weedguide - Ohio State University

    • Moth mullein is a native of Eurasia that was introduced into North America and is naturalized in Ohio. It is a biennial plant that grows in waste places, pastures, meadows, and open woods.… See more

    Origin and Distribution

    Moth mullein is a native of Eurasia that was introduced into the eastern coast of North America and then spread west. It reached Pennsylvania by 1818 and was found growing in Michigan in 1840. Currently, moth mullei… See more

    Plant Description

    Moth mullein is a biennial forming a basal rosette during the first year of growth after which it produces a flowering stalk. The rosette grows to 16 inches in diameter and is composed of dark green leaves that are deeply- an… See more

    Similar Species

    Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus)is a related species that is also a biennial and similar in appearance to moth mullein. However, common mullein is taller and more robust, its foliage is covered with hairs, and it… See more


    Moth mullein blooms from June to September. There are yellow- and white-flowered forms. Both forms are found in Ohio, although the white-flowered form may occur with slightly greater frequency. Flowering c… See more

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