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    tip (noun) · tips (plural noun)
    1. the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering:
      "George pressed the tips of his fingers together" · "the northern tip of Maine"
      • a small piece or part fitted to the end of an object:
        "the rubber tip of the walking stick"
    tip (verb) · tips (third person present) · tipped (past tense) · tipped (past participle) · tipping (present participle)
    1. attach to or cover the end or extremity of:
      "the peaks of the mountains were tipped with snow" · "sometimes they tip the arrows with poison"
      • color (something) at its end or edge:
        "the black outer feathers are tipped with white"
    2. (tip a page in)
      (in bookbinding) paste a single page, typically an illustration, to the neighboring page of a book by a thin line of paste down its inner margin:
      "tipped in here is a clipping from a magazine"
    late Middle English: from Old Norse typpi (noun), typpa (verb), typptr ‘tipped’; related to top.
    tip (verb) · tips (third person present) · tipped (past tense) · tipped (past participle) · tipping (present participle)
    1. overbalance or cause to overbalance so as to fall or turn over:
      "the hay caught fire when the candle tipped over" · "a youth sprinted past, tipping over her glass"
      • be or cause to be in a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other:
        "I tipped my seat back, preparing myself for sleep" · "the car had tipped to one side"
    2. strike or touch lightly:
      "I tipped his hoof with the handle of a knife"
      • cause (an object) to move somewhere by striking or touching it lightly:
        "the ball was tipped over the rim by Erving"
    tip (noun) · tips (plural noun)
      a place where trash is deposited; a dump:
      "a rubbish tip" · "we'll have to take it to the tip"
    2. baseball
      a pitched ball that is slightly deflected by the bat.
    late Middle English: perhaps of Scandinavian origin, influenced later by tip in the sense ‘touch with a tip or point’. Current senses of the noun date from the mid 19th century.
    tip (noun) · tips (plural noun)
    1. a small sum of money given to someone as a reward for performing a service, such as serving in a restaurant:
      "he never leaves a tip"
      • dated
        a small sum of money given to a child as a gift.
    2. a small but useful piece of practical advice:
      "he gave me a tip that transformed the way that I play"
      • a piece of information given in a discreet or confidential way about illicit or criminal activities:
        "officials got a tip about a gang smuggling cigarettes" · "a tip helped police identify the man, leading to his arrest"
      • a very reliable prediction or piece of inside information:
        "are those tips you're getting legal?"
    tip (verb) · tips (third person present) · tipped (past tense) · tipped (past participle) · tipping (present participle)
    1. give (someone) a small sum of money as a reward for performing a service, such as serving in a restaurant:
      "I tipped her five dollars" · "that sort of person never tips"
      • dated
        give a small sum of money to (a child) as a gift.
      predict as likely to win or achieve something:
      "Christine was widely tipped to get the job"
    early 17th century (in the sense ‘give, hand, pass’): probably from tip.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering:
    1. attach to or cover the end or extremity of:
      1. overbalance or cause to overbalance so as to fall or turn over:
        right itself
      2. strike or touch lightly:
      1. a small sum of money given to someone as a reward for performing a service, such as serving in a restaurant:
        • a small but useful piece of practical advice:
        1. give (someone) a small sum of money as a reward for performing a service, such as serving in a restaurant:
          • predict as likely to win or achieve something:
          Kizdar net | Kizdar net | Кыздар Нет
        1. The word "tip" has multiple meanings, including12345:
          • A small amount of money given to someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official payment and for their personal use.
          • To impart a piece of information or advice about or to.
          • The end of something long and narrow, such as the tips of your fingers.
          • A slender or pointed end or extremity, especially of anything long or tapered.
          • The end of a pointed or projecting object, or a piece or an attachment meant to be fitted to the end of something else.
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          tip noun [C] (PAYMENT) B1. a small amount of money given to someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official payment and for their personal use: a 15 percent tip. He gave the porter a tip. We don't need to leave a tip for the waiter, because there's a service charge included in the bill.

          tipped; tipping. Definition of tip (Entry 8 of 10) transitive verb. 1 : to impart a piece of information or advice about or to — often used with off. 2 chiefly British : to mention as a likely candidate, prospective winner, or profitable investment : tout sense 1. tip one's hand or less commonly tip one's mitt.

          Meaning of tip in Essential English Dictionary tip noun uk / tɪp/ Add to word list the end of something long and narrow: the tips of your fingers
          tip1 (tip), n., v., tipped, tip•ping. n. a slender or pointed end or extremity, esp. of anything long or tapered: the tips of the fingers.

          tip 1 (tĭp) n. 1. The end of a pointed or projecting object. 2. A piece or an attachment, such as a cap or ferrule, meant to be fitted to the end of something else: the barbed tip of a harpoon.
        2. Tip Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

        3. TIP | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

        4. TIP | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary - Cambridge …

        5. TIP definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

          Learn the meaning and usage of the word 'tip' in different contexts, such as the end of something, a piece of advice, a reward, or a verb. See synonyms, pronunciation, examples, and related words for 'tip'.

        6. Tip - definition of tip by The Free Dictionary

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        11. TIP | meaning - Cambridge Learner's Dictionary - Cambridge …

        12. TIP - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary

          Learn the definitions, synonyms, pronunciation, grammar, and usage of the word 'tip' in English. Find out how to use 'tip' as a noun, verb, or idiom in different contexts and languages.

        13. Tip Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

        14. TIP - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary

        15. tip noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes

        16. tip - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

        17. tip | meaning of tip in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary …

        18. What is the Origin of the Word “Tip”, as in Leaving a Tip

        19. TIP definition | Cambridge Essential American Dictionary

        20. TIP | definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary

        21. What does TIP mean? -

        22. TIP | English meaning - Cambridge Essential American