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  1. Dictionary
    leaving (present participle)
    1. go away from:
      "she left New York on June 6" · "we were almost the last to leave" · "the Bruins left for Toronto on Monday"
      • depart from permanently:
        "at the age of sixteen he left home"
      • cease attending (a school or college) or working for (an organization):
        "she is leaving NBC after 20 years"
    2. allow to remain:
      "the parts he disliked he would alter and the parts he didn't dislike he'd leave"
      • (be left)
        remain to be used or dealt with:
        "she pours her brother's whiskey into what's left of her beer" · "he's a retired person with no mortgage left to pay"
      • go away from a place without taking (someone or something):
        "the table was left in the house by the previous owner"
      • abandon (a spouse or partner):
        "her boyfriend left her for another woman"
      • have as (a surviving relative) after one's death:
        "he leaves a wife and three children"
      • bequeath:
        "Harry had left her $5,000 a year for life" · "he left $500 to the Police Athletic League"
    3. cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or position:
      "he'll leave you in no doubt about what he thinks" · "I'll leave the door open" · "the children were left with feelings of loss"
      • let (someone) do or deal with something without offering help or assistance:
        "infected people are often rejected by family and friends, leaving them to face this chronic condition alone"
      • cause to remain as a trace or record:
        "dark fruit that would leave purple stains on the table napkins" · "they leave the impression that they can be bullied"
      • deposit or entrust to be kept, collected, or attended to:
        "she left a note for me"
    Old English lǣfan ‘bequeath’, also ‘allow to remain, leave in place’ of Germanic origin; related to German bleiben ‘remain’.
    leaving (present participle)
    1. (of a plant) put out new leaves:
      "trees leaved, wild flowers burst in profusion on the far side of the lake."
    Middle English: from the same Germanic base as leaf.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. go away from:
      depart from
      go away from
      go from
      withdraw from
      retire from
      take oneself off from
      exit from
      take one's leave of
      pull out of
      be gone from
      decamp from
      disappear from
      absent oneself from
      say one's farewells/goodbyes
      abscond from
      run away from
      flee (from)
      fly from
      bolt from
      go AWOL
      take French leave
      escape (from)
      do a disappearing act
      pack one's bags
      sling one's hook
      begin one's journey
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  1. Leave Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

  2. LEAVING | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

  3. LEAVING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

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  5. Leaving - definition of leaving by The Free Dictionary

  6. LEAVE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

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    If you leave something or someone in a particular place, you let them remain there when you go away. If you leave something or someone with a person, you let them remain with that person so they are safe while you are away.

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