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  1. Dictionary
    blaming (present participle)
    1. assign responsibility for a fault or wrong:
      "the inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident"
      • (blame something on)
        assign the responsibility for something bad to (someone or something):
        "they blame youth crime on unemployment"
    Middle English: from Old French blamer, blasmer (verb), from a popular Latin variant of ecclesiastical Latin blasphemare ‘reproach, revile, blaspheme’, from Greek blasphēmein (see blaspheme).
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. assign responsibility for a fault or wrong:
      hold responsible
      hold accountable
      hold liable
      place/lay the blame on
      accuse of
      find/consider guilty of
      assign fault/liability/guilt to
      ascribe to
      attribute to
      impute to
      lay at the door of
      put down to
      set down to
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